This wolf is currently on a breeding cool down. She will be able to fall pregnant again in 13 rollovers! This wolf is currently on a pair bond cool down for 5 rollovers! She can't form a new pair bond until then! This wolf is actively pupsitting - her energy regeneration is paused.
Topaz is probably the hardest working wolf in the tribe. A bit stern, she limits the amount of fun the pups in her care get, and teaches them obedience, loyalty, and the value in a hard day's hunt or foraging session. Not prone to creativity or goofiness, you'll often find Topaz with the more serious wolves. Definitely not one to gossip or muse, and she finds her circle of friends to be small as a result. She believes wolves should be strong and loyal, and not given to idle song.
Best Friend to Hawk
Daughter of Kiani and Shadow
Mate to Rowan
Affinity - Bear