Dusk offers you a cool drink of water collected on a broad leaf. How kind! *6
You approach Dusk to ask if they'd be willing to help an older wolf make a comfortable nest. Without hesitation they agree and trot off in the direction of the older wolf. *4
Dusk strikes up conversation, saying that they've brought you something to help ease your day-to-day burdens. You know Dusk well enough to know that it was carefully chosen with you in mind. 1x Puffin Feather!
Dusk and Vulpes spent time trading stories about the adventures of the elders and the mischief of the pups.
Dusk and Vulpes have perfectly matched singing voices—you could hear it from far away!
Dusk and Wicket return deep in conversation about their preferred stalking techniques. *2
Dusk and Michael return deep in conversation about their preferred chasing techniques.
Dusk and Venture return deep in conversation about their preferred finishing techniques. *2
Dusk and Juniper return deep in conversation about their preferred herbalist techniques
Dusk and Oxalis return deep in conversation about their preferred chasing techniques.