This wolf is pregnant! Her energy regeneration has slowed. She will give birth in 2 rollovers! She has a nest, and should give birth safely. This wolf is actively pupsitting - her energy regeneration is paused. This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
During the lesson: Leaves? Rocks? Underbrush? Twisted tree stump? Eroded slope? Snowdrop PUPSIT learned to use any environment and its features to camouflage successfully.
During the lesson: Not only was the nesting material important, but the right spot and the right time matter, too. Snowdrop PUPSIT learned how to choose wisely and save a lot of time.
Snowdrop PUPSIT asserts without a shred of doubt that what they have for you is exactly what you need.
During the lesson: Donner Reed played the role of the prey today. Snowdrop PUPSIT, along with her littermates, had to plan a strategy to remain undetected.
x wakes you up, talking rapidly about a spider that just bit him. He seems mostly fine, but keeps going on about getting "spider powers". x confuses you, but you're happy he isn't hurt, beyond a minor spider bite. Oh no! x gained a small injury and suffered -5 HP
You approach Snowdrop PUPSIT and they greet you eagerly. They are confident this phase of the moon will bring the pack good fortune.
fodder got a little too close to an eroding river bank this morning. The ground beneath him gave way, causing him to slip and fall into the river! Thankfully, he made it out mostly unscathed. He grazed his leg against a rather sharp river rock whilst attempting an escape. Oh no! fodder gained a small injury and suffered -3 HP