She is uncomfortable looking up at tall trees. In dreams her bones remember the past life feeling of falling from a great height.
RMA- Dark Brown Agouti, Cream Ear Tips.
Made it to A-team at 6 years 2 months.
5th generation Ghul lines. No recessive genes.
Parents: Chemisit and Mountark.
Uncle: Sumac.
Great-Aunt: Oopik.
Cousin Twice Removed: Black-Eyed Suzan.
Second Cousin Three Times Removed: Li Chi.
Third Cousin Four Times Removed: Rosemary.
10 cougar mark project. Pair marks possible: 3. Cougar lines: Altgeld II, Rogir, Buck, Γthelstan, β£ αΆΞ±Ξ½ΡΞΉΞΉβ β£/Xenon II, Vapor.