As you spot the megalodon-tinted female, you approach. However, she notices you first, and her white eyes lock onto you curiously. You notice, however, it doesn't resemble the wonder of an innocent pup. No, the curiosity that sparks within Mordace's eyes is that of opportunity.
"You, there!" It's too late to exit the situation. She's jogging toward you, determined, her horned head lifted high in confidence. "Another new recruit? I'm sure Cieldou hardly required you to prove yourself. No, you just look pretty, and that's enough for him. Don't worry, you'll be given the chance to prove your worth."/b>
She doesn't give you the chance to explain yourself. With her tail high, she trots off, visibly annoyed. You begin to wonder what she has in mind for you had you been a more permanent resident.
Breed with, following desired bases possible:
Acanthite, Apex, Badger, Blueschist, Bronze, Caribou, Coot, Denim, Grulla, Hornfels, Iridium, Lily, Lupin, Maltese, Megalodon, Nocturne, Slate, Steele, Striped Flint, Topaz, Zircon
Breed with, following desired bases possible:
Acanthite, Argent, Caribou, Chromium, Grulla, Opal, Rime, Squid, Steele, Striped Flint, Topaz