This pregnant wolf is not currently nested, and may risk losing puppies if she tries to give birth.
This wolf is pregnant! Her energy regeneration has slowed. She will give birth in 3 rollovers! This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
Sierra the first leader left her first pack to find a mate stumbling across strange lands she met Jaro and the two wolves fell in love Sierra had two puppies in her first litter and invited many other wolves to their fledgling pack and then realized she that she invited too many wolves so several wolves were given to other packs someone chased to make room for future growth…
WillowIce pack law
1. Love all wolves & Pups
2. Wolves may only pare Bond once wolves may only breed with their parbonded mate
3. The pack must do all it can to protect and care for pups
4. All willowice wolves are NOT lgbtq+ The pack acknowledges that wolves outside or visiting it can choose to be this, but teaches their pups that this thing is wrong and goes against their spirit, body and mind visitor wolves with this are requested that they don't teach the pups about it or they will be sent on to another pack or returned to their old one
5. Adult wolves must perform some kind of work or be ill to receive food from the pack
6. visitors from other packs, are asked that they follow the rules 3-5 while they are visiting
7. Rolls not had in other packs still count as work
8. One Male may be allowed a harem if he is Vital to the breeding project
There may be more rules added as the pack progresses