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Professor Sonia's Achievements

38 / 245 achievements earned

Recently Earned Achievements

Coniferous Forest Explorer

Explore 1,000 steps in the Coniferous Forest.
Earned on 2024-12-31 21:24:00
Category: Exploring

A Well-Fed Pack

Keep your pack's hunger above 80% for 5 rollovers in a row.
Earned on 2024-12-30 08:46:33
Category: Pack


Win 100 battles.
Earned on 2024-12-27 20:24:10
Category: Battling

Mirror Image

Bred your first set of identical twins!
Earned on 2024-12-27 07:35:16
Category: Breeding

Happy Holidays!

Open a gift on the 25th December.
Earned on 2024-12-25 15:08:17
Category: Events

A Happy Pack

Keep your pack's happiness above 80% for 5 rollovers in a row.
Earned on 2024-04-14 16:50:03
Category: Pack