ŴΔ₣₣Ł€Ş's General Achievements
169 / 245 achievements earned
14 / 15 General achievements earned
Democracy In Action
Vote on a game poll.
Earned on 2024-08-31 18:32:38
Give your support to a Game Development topic.
Earned on 2024-06-19 15:01:41
Going Live
Post in the chat room. (Currently only in manual mode)
Earned on 2024-02-25 18:19:09
Post on the forum 500 times (only posts with more than 20 characters count).
Earned on 2024-01-22 06:43:07
Post on the forum 100 times (only posts with more than 20 characters count).
Earned on 2023-12-26 17:49:47
Social Butterfly
Post on the forum 50 times (only posts with more than 20 characters count).
Earned on 2023-12-23 15:11:27
Making Friends
Add a friend!
Earned on 2023-12-22 17:34:29
Post on the forum 10 times (only posts with more than 20 characters count).
Earned on 2023-12-18 19:09:25
Level 20
Leveled up your lead wolf to level 20 for the first time!
Earned on 2022-06-07 12:03:10
Level 15
Leveled up your lead wolf to level 15 for the first time!
Earned on 2022-04-28 06:00:37
Level 10
Leveled up your lead wolf to level 10 for the first time!
Earned on 2022-02-18 13:47:52
Level 5
Leveled up your lead wolf to level 5 for the first time!
Earned on 2022-01-14 15:13:52
Level Up!
Leveled up your lead wolf for the first time!
Earned on 2022-01-11 14:10:34
The Beginning
Complete the introduction tutorial with Tala.
Earned on 2022-01-10 21:32:50
This achievement has a 1% chance of being given when you comment on the news.