Mentors - These wolves have gotten too old to work, or were brought into the pack as elders. They spend their days under the pupsitters protection and provide lessons to the pups. Pups are permitted to attend any lesson they want, but must choose a path by 6 months to begin apprenticeships.Omegas - Wolves that have no place but to play due to overcrowding or lack of leadership. Many of these wolves will spend their time breeding, nursing, playing with pups or each other, and just adding a bulk look to the pack. No pack wants to attack a group of 25 wolves! Even when workers are out, the territory looks and smells full and alive. Their close bond with each other and the pack, plus their constant running and playing, makes them very good guards. They remain fast and strong, and know the territory more than the average pack member would. They also have stronger protection instincts towards their fellow wolves.