3 - Laekna Felagi
1 L Blak First Commander of the Gloaming Scout
371 stats
L11 Female
3 years 8½ months (Adult)
3y 8½m

302 stats
L1 Male
0 years 1½ month (Young Puppy)
0y 1½m
2 Tawny First Mate + Second Seeker
492 stats
L15 Male
2 years 8½ months (Adult)
2y 8½m

3 H Albino Third Seeker of the Gloaming
329 stats
L8 Female
1 year 4 months (Adult)
1y 4m
260 stats
L1 Male
0 years 2 months (Young Puppy)
0y 2m
4 Oroide Fourth Seeker of the Gloaming
579 stats
L10 Male
1 year 11 months (Adult)
1y 11m