The Forgotten Territories Roleplay
The Forgotten Territories Roleplay
Posted 2023-05-03 15:47:21 (edited)
The Forgotten Territories is a large and diverse community always interested in expanding! There are two packs of now, The Pack of Howling Abyss and The Pack of Silent Lake, both are excited to have new comers join them in their exploration through the living and afterlife, even Both Packs have their own ways of lore and such, The Pack of Howling Abyss having eyes a-top the forehead showing their always watching and Silent Lake having paw prints on the shoulder to prove that pack is strong and protected no matter what. Everyone in this group get along and no matter what we try to help each other out! We are a semi-realistic role-play, but are welcoming to newbies! If you would like to see if you want to join the journey of The Forgotten Territories, you may ask here or simply hit the link I provide below The Forgotten Territories |
Jayden #120189 |