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Belphegor's Blossoming Love

Posted 2023-05-25 16:44:13
"Good night orchid" blossom whispered to the stars while making her way to the stream
Sankta Alina

Posted 2023-05-25 16:47:32
Belphegor said goodnight to his mother Melody, licking her cheek in thanks for whatever she had said to Blossom that convinced her to go on a date with him, before laying down in his nest, a massive bed of moss and feathers, before saying goodnight to the spirits of his deceased dad, and then falling asleep, the adrenaline of his love for Blossom keeping him awake for a lot longer than he had hoped.
Lupus Romae

Posted 2023-05-25 16:49:18
Blossom wished that she could see her sister again but in a way she was glad that she was with Belphegor because orchid brought them together  blossom smiled at that thought
Sankta Alina

Posted 2023-05-25 17:08:57
The next morning, Belphegor arose from his slumber, hearing commotion in the pack as he yawned. He noted that the wolves in his pack sounded panicked and frightened.
"What could have gotten everyone so riled up this morning?" He wondered as he waddled off of his nest.
Lupus Romae

Posted 2023-05-25 18:25:33
"Hey why is everyone scared?" Blossom asked
Sankta Alina

Posted 2023-05-25 18:27:29
"I don't know... but how did you find my den?" Belphegor asked curiously.
Lupus Romae

Posted 2023-05-25 18:29:20
"I just went in the direction that wolves were going and I smelled your sent" blossom said truthfully
Sankta Alina

Posted 2023-05-25 18:32:31
Belphegor nodded.
"Very smart, Blossom... come. Let's see what the commotion is." Belphegor said truthfully before his ears lowered as a massive noise sounded in the distance. The noise sounded akin to a massive clap of thunder, but there was a sulfuric scent in the air. The smell of gunpowder.
Lupus Romae

Posted 2023-05-25 18:40:31
"Get your pack and hide!" She said to belphegor anxiety filling her voice her eyes widened with shock as she thought of her mother and friends at her old pack
Sankta Alina

Posted 2023-05-25 18:49:58
"Not again... the land has barely begun to heal from the last one..." Belphegor said truthfully, remembering his grandfather's description of the noises of human war machines. Claps of artificial thunder, the smell of gunpowder, the yells of men as they charged from the hills, the sounds of various guns... it was a hell unlike anything he had ever heard before or since...

Belphegor began to assist Blossom in escorting his pack to the hiding places his grandparents had arranged in case another human caused war ever broke out.
Lupus Romae

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