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Make Silly Wolvden Theories and Conspiracies!

Make Silly Wolvden Theories and Conspiracies!
Posted 2020-10-30 10:49:24

Silly Wolvden Theories and Conspiraces: The Game

The rules of this game are simple, come up with a wild theory or conspiracy for Wolvden, and come up with the best reasoning for why you're right. The most outlandish theory with the 'best' logic wins

These can be about future mutations, plots, or mechanics, or about existing or future npcs, or anything else you can relate Wolvden to! As long as they relate back to Wolvden in some way, they'll work!


1. They must be Wolvden-related ideas in some way, shape, or form

2. They must follow the rules of the site, so nothing harmful or too vulgar to be said without breaking a site rule

3. Please don't relate them to other members (like saying "My theory is the person above will get banned for blank and here's why" or anything of the sort). We're all here to have fun together, but not to poke fun at each other.

I'll get us started: 

My theory is that, not only is Tala a hacker, but Nobaby is her creation made to help her fully overtake the site to rule over everyone on it. Why else would Nobaby only be found from befriending NBWs like that, and break the site afterward? Tala is the only wolf you cannot befriend, making her immune to Nobaby's corrupting powers, yet she can control it as she can prompt users to befriend a wolf (as shown in the befriending quest when you first made your account). It just has to be true with that logic!

❣❀ Runaway-Rosie ❀❣

Posted 2020-10-30 22:44:27

Nobaby is actually a player from the past who was too eager to join, that they bugged out the game and are now trapped in the game

Ferny | Ven

Posted 2020-11-01 15:03:02

The wares raccoon is actually part of Tom Nook's extended family and they run an underground tycoon for banned/removed/limited edition/exclusive game items together.

divided by zero

Posted 2020-11-01 15:05:35

The questing snake is an organized crime boss. Taking out hits on other animals? Running trades of rare items? Testing your pack's strength in combat? That snake's up to things. 


Posted 2020-11-06 12:29:42

Is no one going to talk about Herbet the herbalist bear? Why is he so chill? What if he's slipping bad herbs or magic mushrooms to our herbalist wolves to make his own army?


Posted 2020-11-15 22:35:24 (edited)

Tala and the questing snake are working together to build up a wolf army. Think about it. Tala forces you to create a pack, and the questing snake conditions you to do as it says. But why though? Is there some purpose to all of this? Some enemy they hold a grudge against large enough to go through all of this? We may never know, but I don't trust those two. Fight back! No one do any quests or start any new packs until we're told what's going on! N-no, I didn't do my daily quest today, w-why would you think that? Uh... heheh.


Posted 2020-11-16 23:42:23

I haven't played for a while, so i can't make any theories except one

You know how the wolves would have like, red or white or black markings that just aren't natural? and how in order to unlock things you have to go to the questing snake? What if this is a science experiment on another world, and the weird markings could be a symptom of being exposed to radioactive waste


Posted 2020-11-17 00:20:54

All lottery main prize winners get sucked into Wolvden and become trapped, and together they must find Nobaby once more to get a chance to return to the real world.


Posted 2020-11-17 00:27:34

Wait who's nobaby?


Posted 2020-11-17 11:18:12 (thats nobaby, or more of a memorial)


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