Quillflight #25518
hi im quill
i have anxiety and ADD. not social anxiety, but phobic anxiety. talk to me im extroverted
im hungry constantly
CST (1 hour ahead wolvden time)
dni if homophobic/xenophobic/pro-map (dont be a pedophile)
Non Carrier x Non Carrier = 100% Non Carrier
Non Carrier x Carrier = 90% Non Carrier, 10% Carrier
Non Carrier x Mutation = 15% Carrier, 85% Non Carrier
Carrier x Carrier = 10% Carrier, 10% Mutation, 80% Non Carrier
Carrier x Mutation = 15% Carrier, 15% Mutation, 70% Non Carrier
Mutation x Mutation = 10% Carrier, 20% Mutation 70% Non Carrier
Infertile - 0%
Extremely Low - 1%
Very Low 2-10%
Low 11-30%
Average 31-50%
Good 51-70%
Very Good 71-90%
High 91-99%
Extremely High 100%
Lethal: Distemper, Heatstroke, Infection, Poison, Pox (pups),
Infectious: Cough (21%), Distemper (18%), Ear Mites (60%), Fleas (36%), Hepatitis (18%), Influenza (90%), Mange (18%), Pox (18%), Ringworm (18%)
RO Save: Constipation, Cough, Cystitis, Diarrhea
bases tier list for reals
favorites: airglow, amor, annwn, argent, artemis, auburn, badger, blueschist, bronze, caelum, calcite, chromium, corrundum, denim, diana, dinar, diorite, doubloon, dravite, ducat, dust, ebony, feldspar, flint, fox, grulla, henna, honeydew, hornfels, howlite, hydrangea, iridium, iron, isabel, jacinthe, jet, kin, lavender, liver, losna, luna, magnolina, maltese, marengo, melchior, mojave, moonlight, moss, nepheline, nightchill, nocturne, obsidian, onyx, opal, pewter, piasa, pyrope, quartz, realgar, red, rime, russet, saffron, sandy, sarder, seal, selene, sepia, serpentine, shell, silver, siqoq, skarn, sky, slate, snow, sphalerite, steele, sterling, storm, striped flint, teardrop, titanium, tombac, tumbleweed, turquoise, vanilla, white, wisp, wulfentine, zircon
appealing: acanthite, almond, arkose, ashen, biotite, black, blonde, brown, caramel, chestnut, chocolate, cocoa, galena, glaucous, merged, sulfur, tawny
no opinion: amber, antler, apricot, beige, birch, blue, brass, buff, chert, cream (all variants), dark brown, gold (all variants), goldenrod, gray (all variants), lilac, lily, oroide, pale, peach, pearl, pecan, tuff, willow, yellow
good if its done with the right markings: clover
boooo: honey, khaki
breed an albinistic pup (0/1)
breed a melanistic pup (0/1)
breed a brachecephalic pup (0/1)
get 50 gc (9/50)
bury 1000 sc (455/1000)
generally have 1000 sc (0/1000)
live in the following biomes:
update my pack loreHTML by Lila #225. Do not remove credit
Member Information | ||
Name | Quillflight | |
Pack | Cursed | |
Alpha | songsinger | |
Joined | 2020-10-31 | |
Last Active | 1 day ago |
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