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Daily Quest Items

Posted 2024-06-26 10:14:50
Thank you again!

πŸ‡ Uva πŸ‡

Posted 6 days ago
I need an Agouti Carcass, can pay SC or offer amusement!


Posted 3 days ago
Hi! I need 2 peccary carcasses.
I'm hunting for them but with no luck...

I can give other food.

mALEc 🌸🐰 🌸

Posted 4 hours ago
I need 2X full use small doe carcasses, I can offer the equivalent in food uses for them, although I would prefer to offer amusement since food uses are running low for me. Thank you!


Posted 2 hours ago
Sending the small does
Iusually don't ask for anything but this time I'm really short on food so I'll take you up on your offer

mALEc 🌸🐰 🌸

Posted 2 hours ago
I need 2 full use duck feathers. I can trade SC.


Posted 2 hours ago
sending! no need to pay me anything :)

Posted 2 hours ago
Awww! Thank you sm!


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