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New here! Already loving it

New here! Already loving it
Posted 2023-06-09 07:59:17
Hi! I'm Kyneria, Kyne for short!

I'm new here but I've been a fan of pet/ creature websites for a while. Since I started pretty young I never got too into it due to well, some kids aren't patient right? But now that's in the past, and oh boy I'm loving sites such as lioden and wolvden.

I'm definitely leaning more towards the breeding side of these websites, as I like to see how colors and patterns mix and match. So if anyone knows of a clan/ group newbie friendly please tell me! I don't mean newbie friendly as in give me things, since I like to see and feel my progress and going at my own pace most of the time, more like please bear with my obvious questions at least for a while hahaha

Or if anyone wants to give me some helpful advice, I'm always up for it! I'm friendly though a little shy in the beginning, so I won't bite!

Posted 2023-06-10 23:50:44
There's this Adopt A Newbie clan, there's definitely a lot of nice mentors here! You can become an apprentices and fill out an application which mostly states what you want to learn about then a mentor adopts you to help you out with your goals!

Ive only been a mentor in this clan, and it's a pretty great place to learn! I'm also happy to talk about breeding as I've started on a project recently! Feel free to dm me if you have questions or just want to talk

🍇 Uva 🍇

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