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Children of the Apocalyptic Horsemen (Open)

Posted 2023-07-03 09:29:13
@Alcarie your character is amazing! I love the AI generated pics, now I wanna do mine. I'd love to expand a bit on John's bio, add a bit more detail (I didn't even give his Horse a name, or put in the fact that flowers/plants wilt every time he is near).
I LOVE the elemental idea too. There's Four Horsemen so it would be cool to give them elemental powers like there are four elements. @Shuichi Zyepsyr/Pestilence gives me an air vibe, considering how many diseases are airborne What do you guys think?

Another FYI, John's physical age is 27, but he stopped aging at 21. I will update now.

β˜† π–‹π–”π–’π–”π–—π–Žπ–†π–“ β˜…

Posted 2023-07-03 14:26:35 (edited)
Thanks! I'm having way too much fun with the AI art. XD I'm not great at drawing, so it's been a lot of fun.
Ooh, I'd love to learn more about John.~ And the flowers wilting around him, for some reason, I find adorable. If you don't want to name your horse you don't have to, I just tend to name everything.

I didn't even consider elements when her power because fire, but your definitely onto something! I think it would be a cool idea to implement. Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare gave me my inspiration for War being associated with fire, but we could easily make it our own.

Now hopefully we can get a Famine soon as we'll be good to go!


Posted 2023-07-03 15:48:41 (edited)
I tried finding some free AI generators for John but it didn't work out. One of them consistently kept generating an image where John is Asian, and I tried every text combination. I wouldn't mind that ofc but it's not an image I have in my mind for him. While the other generators made him look way too buff and sexy I hope it's ok I used images of real people, they're just his general vibe not an exact copy.
I could totally draw him but I'm too lazy right now. Once this takes off I'll probably give it a go.

Oh man, and here I was worrying I wrote way too much. I always go nuts on character creation of any kind lol. I ended up naming the Horse Pathos

If we're going with elemental type stuff, I'm playing around with the idea of giving John power over ice. Cold, snow, frost. People theorize whether the world will end in fire or ice. The popular image of Hell is as a fiery pit, but in Dante's "Inferno" the deepest layer of Hell - the 9th Circle reserved for traitors - is a lake of ice where sinners are trapped forever. And in space the further you get from a source of light - like the sun - the colder it gets. Or how bodies go cold and stiff when they die, how nothing grows in winter, how things can be preserved for thousands if not millions of years if sufficiently frozen.
It would also be an interesting juxtaposition to Charani's fire of war. Hot-headed vs cool-headed.
Yet death is the end of all things, and the consequence of war, the silence that follows. Death is the one to deal with the fallout and tie up loose ends.

Famine is also a really interesting one, since it doesn't have to just be related to food. It reminds me of the quote "To poverty many things are lacking. To avarice everything is lacking." Famine is starvation that cannot be satisfied, and you can be desperately starving for something even if you're rich. It also reminds me of Supernatural, if you've seen it, where Sam has long since gained control of his thirst for demon blood but when he got near Famine, he went completely feral for it.
Just throwin' some ideas out there

β˜† π–‹π–”π–’π–”π–—π–Žπ–†π–“ β˜…

Posted 2023-07-03 17:53:35
Yeah, unfortunately finding a good free AI is really hard. DX I threw my hands up and bought the yearly subscription of Imagine. If you'd like, I could try to make him and show you so you can tell me what you want changed until there's one you like? But I'd love to see any art you do of him!

I freakin' love him. His whole vibe and quirks are right up my alley lol.

You are very right, and put it all eloquently, which seems to be a theme with your writing. :) Ice would fit him very well and seeing him contrast with Charani's fire will be a fun 'battle' to watch.

I have seen Supernatural, and that would be a cool concept to explore.

I got to thinking, would you guys prefer or prefer not to have our characters powers affect one another? Such as Charani evoking either of your characters to violence even if she doesn't mean to. I'm feeling against, since it would make things complicated, but if you guys would prefer it, I can make it work.

Sorry about my kinda short reply here, I've been trying to type between things at work.


Posted 2023-07-03 18:19:44
The AI thing sounds so fun! I'm down That's very kind of you

Also thank you for your compliments about John! I love Charani too, she's really unique and lowkey reminds me of Ishtar/Inana, an ancient Mesopotamian goddess of war, love & fertility. And her angry form is beautifully terrifying. She is so pretty aaa

I personally think that the Four Horsemen should be immune to each other's powers, or at least be very weak (for example Pestilence could infect one of the other Horsemen with the common flu for a week, but that's about it?). There can be personality clashes that have ripple effects on the environment or something, but I don't think it really makes sense for them to be a danger to each other. They were made to work together, even if they have their differences. However, there might be a way the demons could get them all to turn against each other? It could be a plot device further down the line, but not normally a thing to worry about, I think

β˜† π–‹π–”π–’π–”π–—π–Žπ–†π–“ β˜…

Posted 2023-07-04 01:08:39 (edited)

.: Sign-up Form For Angel :.
Name: Gideon
Nickname: Kit; don't ask him why, he won't tell
Gender & Pronouns: Male. He/Him
Orientation: He does not know, and he does not care. He has more important things to worry about than attraction to anyone.
Appearance: Kit His Wings
Positives: Clear-headed. Very little actually rattles Kit, and due to a lack of known emotions such things don't tend to get in the way of his rational thinking. Dedicated. Once Kit has a goal, or a path to follow, he'll see if through or die trying. This is not only to a cause, but also to his people. The Second Legion are not well thought of nowadays in Heaven, always seen as brutes; but Kit, as a commander in the Legion, always stood by his soldiers and stood between them and those who looked down on them. Steady. A bit of an odd term, but in most ways, Kit is a steady as an oak tree. Not only physically, but mentally as well. Once he has a plan or ideal, he sticks to it. Once he's loyal to someone, he's not going anywhere. You need him, he'll be there.
Neutrals: Dominating. He was/is a commander of the Second Legion; he's used to others doing as he says without question. This mindset tends to follow him around but truthfully, he doesn't mean anything by it. It's simply all he's known. Stubborn. Very very stubborn.
Negatives: Aloof. Kit is not the warmest or friendliest of guys (angels?) and is instead rather distant and reserved. Misguided. Kit was created for one purpose and taught that heaven's way was the only way. He's generally well-meaning, but has been prompted by higher angels, such as the archangels, by the sometimes-wrong motives or ideals. Possessive. This is one of his few traits that is his own a not shared by many of the Second Legion. He's not sure why, and often gets more annoyed by the annoyed feeling, when someone touches or takes something that is his. He's singed some of his siblings' feathers for daring to try and take one of his knives. And it's not only objects, but places such as his small home in Heaven, and even some of his favorite siblings.
Powers: Kit has all the general powers of angels; he can turn invisible at will, call his wings onto the physical plane and fly with them, has superior strength, etc. However, as a seraph his strength lies with his combat abilities. He's an excellent swordsman, utilizing a long blade primarily - which at times will be alight with holy fire. And speaking of holy fire, he can summon it and shoot is short distances, but it will burn whatever it hits: whether it be enemy or ally. He much prefers hand-to-hand, finding holy fire unwieldy. And like all angels he can heal...kinda. He's actually rather terrible at it and his bedside manner leaves a lot to be desired.
History: And older Seraph, Kit was created during the second wave of angelic creation, angels known as the Second Legion. They were made to be warriors, angels who would wage war on Lucifer and his demons. All were born with a blade in their hand. They knew little except for training and killing their foes, always on the alert and ready for orders. The Second Legion were known for their lack of empathy and willingness to do as they were told without question. But over the millennia things changed and battles were rare. The Second Legion were no longer truly needed, and all the seraph among it now had no goal or aim. They were too rough around the edges to be guides, healers, or guardians. Some became bitter, others distraught. And for some, they began to question. Kit was one of these, who has started to wonder about the point of it all. He is a warrior without a battle, a solider with no leader. What is the Second Legions purpose in this new age? He hopes that his new orders, to protect the Horsemen, will give him some clarity on his future path.
Family: A whole host of heavenly siblings.
Other: Humans are an unknown to Kit, as he's rarely left Heaven since Hell was defeated. He does not understand much about earth, or about interpersonal relationships outside of those with his brothers-in-arms. As such, he's protecting the Horsemen because he's been told to, not necessarily because he wants to be sure the apocalypse has started. In fact, as of right now he doesn't care either way as long as he gets to kill some demons along the way.

Angels seem all powerful, so to make it a fair fight they definitely have weakness when it comes to demons. Hellfire can hurt, or even kill, them. Demon blades and angel blades are the same. Regular weapons won't really hurt them, but drop a truck on them, or throw them into a frozen lake, and it will slow them down (and piss them off). Most angels follow their leaders command without thought, which can be exploited. The human world confounds Seraph (warrior angels). And the Horsemens powers, to a degree, can affect them. It will take a lot, and they will need some training to harness their powers, but in the end the Horsemen can injure/kill and angel.

Both images were created through AI by me.


Posted 2023-07-04 05:54:15 (edited)
"Orientation: He does not know and he does not care. He has more important things to worry about than attraction to anyone."

I can't tell you enough how much I love this

Also, I finally found an AI generator that actually kind of listened to me.
Here's a pic of John "smoking" and "looking serious" (although he looks depressed as hell, and I can't blame him)
The most accurate depiction I had in mind with John's face being more angled/boney looking, standing outside in winter. Ngl, I like how weird his eyes look, and how he looks like he's never smiled in his life :)

β˜† π–‹π–”π–’π–”π–—π–Žπ–†π–“ β˜…

Posted 2023-07-08 11:57:33
He has no idea what anything that has to do with human attraction/emotions is. XD Kit's my OG character, my big grumpy baby. I've been playing his brother Gavriil a lot recently so decided to pull Kit back out for this one. He's also finally finished...

John looks amazing! He looks like the perfect Death.~ Also, those cheekbones.

Since it doesn't seem like we're gonna find a Famine anytime soon, do we want to go ahead and start? We can have it to where Famine has yet to be found by our characters, and the angels/demons are looking for them in the background. At least until someone might want to join?


Posted 2023-07-08 13:09:30
"John looks amazing! He looks like the perfect Death.~ Also, those cheekbones." thank you so much I guess he's kind of what I think of when I think of Death which says a lot about me huh...

I think it's a good idea to start, there's probably other people looking at this but they're not sure if they want to join yet, our RP might give them more ideas, and your idea of revealing Famine later makes a lot of sense. I don't mind either way.

P.S. This is my first RP of this kind! Wish me luck

β˜† π–‹π–”π–’π–”π–—π–Žπ–†π–“ β˜…

Posted 2023-07-08 14:49:11
Same with me, I adore yall's OCs!! :] I might add more to Zyepsyr's gimmicks, because why not XD-

We should start, but I may be late because ATM I'm playing splatoon while typing :]


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