Posted 2023-07-10 11:12:08
Name: Reese Bewlay.
Nickname: Beaut or Beau. Beaut is best reserved for those who know him well unless you mean to taunt him.
Which Horseman?: Famine.
Age: 27.
Gender & Pronouns: Male - He/Him.
Orientation: Straight - Heterosexual.
Appearance: Oil Portrait - Realistic
tall (6'6"), bearded, blue eyes, long red hair that he sometimes like to braid in places, freckles, well built frame, strong, fully tattooed (complete sleeves on arms and legs - left arm sleeve is a depiction of his boyhood home in the appalachian mountains.)
POS - Reese may not exhibit many traits of empathy but he does particularly value animals. He has gone out of his way to save countless dogs, cats, horses, snakes - creatures of all types and sizes! Nothing bothers him more than seeing a creature suffer. The horse waiting in a pasture, quite famished, without water for who knows long.. the sick and the helpless. Reese feels an almost intense maternal desire to cure these little animals when others leave them behind. It is not fair to let their food, water and shelter go scarce.
NEU - Hushed but intensely inquisitive. Without more than a second glance Reese figures that he knows everything about you, where you've been and where you'll go. Are you analyzing him as well? Ha! He is to good for such nonsense. There will be no flaw you can find.
NEG - If there were ever a record for who held the longest grudge this fool would be on the cover. The ultimate winner. The arrogant, silver-tongued fool. He thinks himself a keen snake-oil salesman capable of sweeping others off their feet (metaphorically. the least physical contact the better. thank you.) with a deliciously crafted speech.
A famine of any sort commands fear. It's beginning is deadly but the continuation is deadlier. It is built to harm, knowing how to torment others and with a feeble hand assure those that it will not last long. In the right situation, he can be very dangerous. All he need's is provocation. Those who know his true nature regard him with equal fear and respect. Those who do not will find out in the worst of ways. Reese appears self-controlled and calm but there is a seething intensity of emotional energy under the placid exterior. He is like the volcano not far under the surface of a calm sea, it may burst into eruption at any moment, spewing destruction and loss aimlessly across the planet. But those of us who are particularly perceptive will be aware of the harnessed aggression, the immense forcefulness, magnetic intensity, and often strangely hypnotic personality under the tranquil, but watchful composure of Reese. In conventional social gatherings he is pleasant to be with, thoughtful in conversation, dignified, and reserved, yet affable and courteous; he sometimes possesses penetrating eyes which make their shyer companions feel naked and defenseless before them.
His natural behavior is to seem withdrawn from the center of activity but yet remain alert and inquisitive. Those who know him can recognize the watchfulness of his character. He needs self-control, which seems to be fading, to recognize the qualities in himself that make him different from others, and to know their utterly conventional natures can be used for great good, or great evil. Quick to detect an insult or injury to himself and prone to ferocious anger. This may express itself in destructive speech or action that he make's lifelong enemies by his outspokenness, he finds it easy to over criticize anything or anyone he dislikes.
Reese has a rather morbid outlook on romance. They are as useless and distracting as a boring hobby. Occasionally, however, his drawl can be rather strong and he finds it extraordinarily difficult to resist.
Brooding resentment, brutality, total arrogance, morbid jealousy, extreme volatility of temperament, these are some of his vices. He can harness his inner power to give himself great self-confidence and mentally become whatever he thinks he is. A staple of his personality is to be very controlling, it is best that he lives alone so he can control everything, and thus restrains himself from becoming emotionally attached due to these tendencies. His temperament is unbridled and rigid and he will unleash it upon anyone.
Powers: Wilting of crops, destruction of ecosystems, collapse of economy. The desire of a thing so greatly intensified by Famine's presence that you will lose yourself entirely.
A sickening lustful desire of the better, the good and the plentiful. Beaut (or Famine) desires that longing gaze of those who stare out at a dry expanse of barren dying fields or the emptiness of their bank account. Saddened and depressed by the odds the creatures collapse. The corn wilts, the bean plant molds, the rice plant shrivels and dies. The creek runs dry and the critters lose their life force on the bank of it; this part brings him no great pleasure but it feels like an undeniable part of his nature.
Reese can create new plant life, urge the rivers to run bountiful, breath life back into dying fields, pull those from the depression of a endless spiral of anguish; but it will all come back. And it will be worse than before. A large part of his abilities depend on his emotions so, if your hoping to score big at a casino, don't bring a grumpy Beaut. Maybe you want to take him for a walk down the Financial District of Lower Manhattan in New York City? Don't.
Animals always seem to have a sense about people and they certainly find Reese interesting. They may know what he is, what he can do to their world, but they never fail to find safety in his chaotic presence. He is a magnet for animals and it is not suspicious to find that random little (or big) creatures will follow him around at times. Reese has always thought of this blind trust as a double-edged sword… not wanting to hurt and not wanting to let them down.
Horse Appearance: Boone is a gritty, southern plow horse turned cutting horse by the constant begging of a teenage boy to his Granmaw. In his later years of being a teen Reese acquired Boone and they've been inseparable since. He did quite a lot of training to transform this Shire x Quarter Horse cross from a through-and-through plow horse into a sharp cutting horse. Reese never doubted his ability. Standing around 18 hands in height and coming in at 2,255 lbs Boone has a beautiful build and physically mirrors the Shire quite a bit but his quick movements and intelligence are a dead giveaway of the Quarter Horse. Despite being a horse of Famine there is little to connect the humble looking animal to such a cruel entity. Well, he does bite.
History: 441 BCE marked the first famine in Ancient Rome. There was a family of five. The father was desperate as he watched the slow turn of his crops wasting away, cattle collapsing in the fields, children screaming for a drop of water. His wife's once beautifully delicate face became a depressing portrait of sunken bones and tears. The man could not sleep at night, but who could? All he heard were the sobbing moans of starvation and slow death of his sons and daughter. The man had been told by his brother about a shrine that had been created for Limos. He had never heard of Limos, never really knew what she was, but in his disillusioned state the idea of relief - from anywhere possible - was appealing.
Reese's great-great-great-great-great-you-get-the-Idea-I-hope-grandfather was the son of this man who made an offering to Limos. It did not stop the famine for she has an insatiable palate, but as Reese will discover, it did garner the attention of a certain someone to watch his bloodline for generations.
Family: Reese was raised in the heartache of the Appalachian Mountain wilderness in West Virginia. He loves his family, their heritage and the deep love he feels for those mountains. There are few people in this life that mean more to him than his Grandmother (granmaw) and Mother (maw).
Other: alright. I am pleased to have made a character I feel emotionally attached to now. no one hurt him. :'] ALSO - we must all have theme songs! Reese would be 'wayfaring stranger' by Bill Monroe & His Blue Grass Boys. thank me for exposing you to such a *chefs kiss* song later. 
