❄️ North ❄️ [On-site Wolf RP][OPEN]
Posted 2023-07-03 16:03:46
Exoral, He/They.Exoral sniffed at one point of the wall, and backed away, and then charged forward, making contact with the wall and himself. He recoiled with his eyes tearing up a bit, and huffed, going to scratch at it. It might've broken through a bit! He tried to pry out, but to no avail, he couldn't. He sighed and went back to investigating the surrounding area. There should be a damn way out! There always is! He hadn't paid too much attention to the others, but maybe he could see if they had any ideas. Though, he hadn't actually spoken to any of them. He could do what he always did, break into the conversation when he thought of anything relevant. Or maybe one of them would talk to him. They weren't too keen on starting a conversation, that's too tiring. He poked at a segment of the wall, and then turned to head back to their original spot. They should rest their paws, the ground hurts, and goodness they're flaming. Honestly the others seemed nice enough, but he couldn't bring himself to actually speak with them. He could do this on his own! If his Ma and Pa let him wander around and get into this situation, he can get out! That'll be sure to prove to the pack that they're worthy! He smiled to himself, and contently rested his head to the ground to take a nap. |
![]() 🔎SHUICHI WORSHIPPER 🔍 #76084 |
Posted 2023-07-03 17:34:13
Haylise - She/Her Then, suddenly, it felt like she had fallen into a frozen lake. Ice surrounding her and a smell. A cool, fresh smell. She wanted to swim up, but she couldn't find the surface. Her limbs felt stiff, harder to swim, and she was drowning. She gasped, a sharp sound, and her eyes flung open. It was warm, warmer than in her dream, still a cool breeze. Familiar scents flooded her nose, and mint was the most prominent. She caught the eye of Cypress, the only other she-wolf she had come to know, silently looking at Haylise with a look the healer couldn't quite decipher. There was a mint order coming off of the dark wolf, apparent that she was the one who woke Haylise up. Then she looked around, seeing the dark furred he-wolf looking at her with concern. She must have been obviously reinacting her nightmare, and slowly she sat up. "Is, is it time to go?" Sleep was still dripping off her voice, and she lifted herself up, looking around. Only a few lights were still on, very lightly illuminating the enclosures, and all but one inside the human dens were off. There was only one còmhdhail-daonna left, which meant the night watcher was here. They weren't asleep yet, a short hour of time, but the wolves knew it was enough to escape if they had no interference. She turned back to Cypress. "Oh, before we do, I'll have to dig up the herb bundle." When the date was set for their escape, Haylise pilfered the enclosure for whatever herbs she could find. Burnet, chamomile, and daisy leaf, but upset she couldn't find any sorrel. Very few lay around, and she had to spread them between 5 wolves, so she did her best to ration them. However, what she had found would be good enough for their strength, at least for the night, unlikely she'd have enough time to find more during their travel. |
![]() Mae #77151 |
Posted 2023-07-06 14:19:31
Aderyn - They/Them - '' The Protector "a grey, brown, and black Grey wolf with amber eyes and a flopped left ear, nonbinary He exhaled lightly, gleaming focus staring down the female. He was fond of her, envied her. She had talent he could only dream of possessing. She was always assessing her surroundings and manipulating the situation to her benefit and being confident about the end results. Her intelligence was unmatched.. " How clever you are. " he rasped under his breath, genuine awe in his words. He looked to the darkened sky, faint, glowing stars spattered across the sky like paint on the dusk sky. He gulped, a sudden heaviness now lay over him like the weighted blanket they had carried him into his cage in. His throat seemed to swell, and a whine, barely audible, left him. It was a familiar scene, after the numerous hunts his pack had gone on, they would settle down around each other and howl to the Madadh-allaidh, or, the moon. He swallowed it down, salmon tongue lolling from his jaws. A sudden bang echoed in his ears, and he glanced around. One wolf was missing. An arctic wolf he had not gotten to know yet, assuming they were the one causing the racket. " Crazy mutt.. " The tall wolf uttered under his hushed breath, gleaming focus rolling. They looked around, precise gaze trying to pinpoint the wolf, yet to no avail. Their attention then turned to the healer, who was shifting and yelping in their sleep. They walked forward, to the female's side, careful not to touch her. Waking a wolf in a nightmare was never good, especially if you valued keeping all your limbs. He watched carefully as the female she had just conversed with placed a minty herb before the healers nose, and he sighed at the comforting smell of it. As she arose, he stepped away, and found a place beside Fayvel. " Not quite yet, I don't think. " He whispered, " But soon. " |
![]() Su̶l̶l̶e̶n̶ Night Chat #112631 |
Posted 2023-07-08 19:00:22
Cypress - She/herAderyn's compliment had gone unheard when Cypress's attention fleeted over to the arctic wolf that so thoughtlessly threw themselves at the fence. Imbecile. If he blows our cover out of tomfoolery...! The shrewd canine swallowed the sharp comment, instead focusing at the restless healer at her paws. Had their plans really gone in one ear and out the other for that one? No matter- she was confident in her schemes. If something went amuck, she had methods in place to counteract it. If the arctic one wished to tire himself and rub his coat raw, then so be it. What mattered was the situations well within Cypress's control, and that was not one of them. Her attention wavered to the other one, Fayvel, who lingered nearby out of curiosity and perhaps a dash of concern for the distressed sleeper. Thank the ancestors, he was one of reason. She waited patiently like a dutiful shadow as the herb-using one slowly began to rise from her disturbed slumber. Somber yellow eyes casually met those of Haylise. While Cypress was yet to disclose the truth of her current wayward status, something about escaping with herbs in-jaws seemed...like a stretch. Indeed, herbal medicine might be a necessity down the road and it was best to be prepared, but Cypress was more of...well, a scavenger. Living a life of isolation had keyed in on her resourceful tendencies. Being bogged down with plants wasn't ideal, but Cypress wasn't the professional there. She knew when she was out of her scope of practice. Perhaps it wasn't out of need that Haylise brought along the herbs, but a sort of comfort? Familiarity? Her beady gaze lacked a drop of emotion, although her words flowed with the smoothness of water over rock. "Our moment dawns upon us. Soon." Her eyes drifted over to the last few sources of light. Much like the sun, they would vanish into the darkness with time. "If we are fleet-footed, the time may be sooner than we think." Indeed, if they were silent enough and went without disturbing any of the other residents, they could surely escape while the last night-watcher remained. She furrowed her brows. With the darkness of her coat, Cypress had no difficulty with navigating in the shadows unseen. "Let us gather them." The sooner they were prepared, the better. Even if Haylise explained where the bundles were buried, Cypress could slink off to dig them up herself and bring them to the rest. It would be less suspicious if only one was doing the digging- especially one who was less likely to be seen. |
![]() 20mia08 #18414 |
Posted 2023-07-09 19:11:14 (edited)
The sudden loud rattle and clink of something large throwing itself at the walls of their enclosure sent the fur along his spine bristling. It sounded horribly out of place against the still night and Fayvel dug his paws into the earth with growing annoyance. If the noise continued, surely it'd raise alarm to everything in the area, and their plan would be ruined. But the sounds stopped, and Fayvel instead focused on the wolves in front of him. With the slightest tilt of his head, he observed Haylise awake with a start from what he continued to assume was a nightmare. When the she-wolf's eyes found him, his ears burned self-consciously - feeling a little odd. The medicine wolf had been dragged from her sleep, just to find the three of them all standing around her, staring. Fayvel turned his head to look away. Haylise seemed fine, so he was glad she'd be alright and their plan of escape was still in place. He angled his ears toward Aderyn, straightening his posture a little when the other wolf approached him. Fayvel didn't say anything but didn't turn and pad away either. Instead, he idly listened to the female wolves converse and decide what to do about herbs. In his opinion, though he didn't speak up about it because he saw no purpose for his input on the matter, gathering herbs to bring along during their escape was an excellent idea. |
![]() Solkryn #3121 |
Posted 2023-07-10 06:28:14 (edited)
Haylise - She/Her She soon noticed the two other eyes on her, feeling a little awkward, and a bit stuffed, as if they had all been waiting for her to awake. But they all relayed the same information; soon. Such a vague statement, it could mean anything. "Right, the herbs," Haylise cleared her throat. "They were buried near the den, next to the large rock." She had them hidden there so that digging wouldn't look too out of place, normal even. "There should be enough for each of us to have two doses, one tonight we'll take right before we begin our plan, and one after we take our next rest and continue our journey." They're going to need their strength to get as far away as possible before dawn rises and the humans notice their disappearance. After explaining, she looked around for the other wolf, noticing them by the fence. They appeared to be antsy to leave, Haylise was too. "How soon is soon?" The healer wasn't much of a leader, and she looked to the others who, although not alphas, had had higher ranks in their previous packs. She was confident in her ability to survive, and protect herself if need be, but to care for, and lead, and protect others, even a small amount of wolves, was out of her jurisdiction. She could step in and prevent infections or mend broken bones, but being in the spotlight with many eyes on her made her almost squirm in an uncomfortable nature. She wanted their eyes off of her, and the cramped enclosure did nothing to help the feeling. |
![]() Mae #77151 |