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Animated Pixel YWH / YCH Shop [CLOSED]

Posted 2021-01-19 22:06:25

Alright awesome! I'll send a trade over in a bit!


Posted 2021-01-22 23:12:56

Name & ID: Therbis #29273

Tag or Fullbody, A, B or C: A


Other Notes (like mouth color, edits, etc): Earring and Scar on ears. Scar on lip is enough as a color mark no lineart change needed. Paying through GC if you gimme a go (not sure if you still open^^)


Posted 2021-01-23 10:37:42

Yup I’m still open! I can send a payment trade over in a sec


Posted 2021-01-25 11:34:09

these are so cute omg-

name and id: Vriouss, 35007

tag or fullbody, a, b, or c: tag b please!

character: Loki

other notes: can you include his piercings? and his tongue color is the same as his nose; thanks! (paying in sc)


Posted 2021-01-25 12:40:47

Yup i can do that! I'll send a trade over in a sec


Posted 2021-02-10 08:21:35


Name & ID: Coyote #5274

Tag or Fullbody, A, B or C: Tag A please!


Other Notes (like mouth color, edits, etc): If you need me to send an image without his decor, I can. He can be shown with the fish in his mouth though.

biscotti 🌿

Posted 2021-02-10 10:47:42

Alright that will work just fine! I’ll send a trade over in a bit


Posted 2021-02-27 10:52:13

Heyyo! Coming to get this of my lead finally


Name & ID: Lime 3568

Tag A, run cycle, etc: Run cycle (Complex)

Character(s): Dian (Lead)

Other Notes (like mouth color, edits, etc): Her nose color should just be black (not the brown she has) and if her right ear could be a bit torn.

Type of payment: sc or gc 1500 sc! It's ready for you whenever <3


Posted 2021-02-27 11:15:21

Ok, everything sounds good! I'll send a trade on over!


Posted 2021-02-28 21:04:57

Loafffff,,, can I get a bouncing fullbody? :D


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