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Tales of Bushclan [onsite warrior cats rp] [open for new members]

Posted 2023-07-08 17:20:23
Moonpaw purred and licked her mother's forehead. "I can't wait to meet my little siblings," she purred. She glanced back at Halftail and saw her sitting my the entrance to camp. "I'd better go," She mewed. "Halftail's waiting on me." Moonpaw nuzzled Cinderwing before she turned and bounded over to Halftail.


Posted 2023-07-08 17:35:01
"have a wonderful patrol sweetheart" she purred and murmured to herself "they grow up so fast" she smiled shs gazed lovingly at her stomach and winced when she felt a little kick then another and around sun high poof four little kits were born Two boys and two girls she licked each kit and laid her head tiredly on her paws and gazed lovingly at her kits and named the females Windkit and Reedkit,  and the males Acornkit and Thrushkit she wrapped her tail around them Windkit was a light gray kit with black paws like her father and green eyes and Reed kit was dark gray with blue eyes like her mother and acornkit was light brown with a white paw and blue eyes and thrushkit was a dark brown with a white muzzle and black  paws and blue eyes

Posted 2023-07-08 17:42:18
Halftail watched from afar as Moonpaw interacted with her mother, a different look in the large she-cat's gaze. She quickly turned her attention on the apprentice as the small she-cat approached the warrior. Halftail nodded towards Moonpaw as she stood, her tail flicking as she glanced back at Riverwhisper once more. "We'll be leaving then...hopefully we wont be gone long," the she-cat murmured out. She glanced once more at Moonpaw, simply nodding her head to show the apprentice that she was leaving now. Halftail began on her way, taking one of the many small paths out of camp to search for prey trails.

Posted 2023-07-09 09:43:51
It was the chill of the morning air that finally woke Silentflight, who was still unused to not having Howlingwind's warm fur next to him. He continued lying there for a long moment, listening to the rumbling voices of his clanmates outside the newly constructed warrior's den. It was a roof over his head, sure, but it was not home. He contemplated for a moment just curling back up in his nest and ignoring the world, but his sense of duty eventually won out and, with a heavy sigh, the lanky tom got up. No matter how much grief nipped at his paws, and the shadow of his brother followed him, Silentflight knew he couldn't give up just yet. Maybe one day, but not yet. Tail twitching, Silentflight exited the den and peered around for either Owlstar or Riverwhisper. The deputy was closer. "Good morning Riverwhisper." He murmured quietly, approaching. "Are there any duties I need to perform just yet?"


Posted 2023-07-09 11:40:42
Riverwhisper twitched her ears as Silentflight approached her. "Good morning," she greeted the tom. She listened as he asked her if there was anything she needed him to do. "I just sent Halftail and Moonpaw out to hunt," Riverwhisper explained. "You and Rainbite can go on a border patrol," She told him.

~•~ ~•~ ~•~

Moonpaw padded along a path that led out of camp. She followed Halftail out and stopped to scent the air. Rabbit! She thought, pricking her ears. She listened for any noises and realized the rabbit wasn't too far away. She scanned the tall grass around her and crouched down, creeping through the tall grass.

She spotted the rabbit hopping around a few tail lengths away. The rabbit didn't realize she was there. Moonpaw slowly crept as close as she could. The rabbit snapped its head up and looked around when Moonpaw accidentally stepped on a stick. *Mouse dung!* She thought. She burst out of the tall grass and raced towards the rabbit. The rabbit fled in the opposite direction.

Moonpaw put on a burst of speed and tried to catch up, she had been pretty close to the rabbit when it took off, so she wasn't too far behind. She pounded after the rabbit and leaped for it, he claws stuck into the rabbit's hind end and she dragged it towards her. She bit the rabbit's neck and dragged it back to the path. She was panting as she buried the rabbit, it was not light.


Posted 2023-07-09 12:09:20
Cinder'Wing got up carefully she had finally put the kits to sleep and she smiled at the sleeping bundles of scraps and she padded quietly out to the entrance of the den and basked in the sun and she teared up  a little and made a silent vow to not let anything happen to these kits nor moonpaw she was hungry she looked back at the kits worry in her gaze about leaving her kits she decided she couldnt leave them that was recipe for disaster she padded back to her kits and nestled up in her nest her kits nestled in her soft belly fluff she sent out a silent prayer to starclan that nothing takes her kits

Posted 2023-07-09 12:09:37 (edited)
Owlstar had been awake for some time, watching the trees sway in the wind. He could hear the distant sounds of camp below him, the warriors waking and beginning the day. But he wasn't ready. What did they think of him as leader? Forcing himself up, he left the leaders den. A hunt might do him good, and there was plenty of mice in the field.

He wouldn't be good to anyone lying in his den, and he needed to lead by example. Approaching his deputy, he looked around camp. Halftail and Moonpaw had gone, and it seemed that Rainbite and Silentflight had just been assigned to a border patrol.  A solo hunt, perhaps? But the borders did need strengthening. The clan was at it's weakest, and a opportunistic predator wouldn't hesitate at the chance for an easy meal. What to do first...

//I'm back, my account is fixed! I'll be adding everyone to the clan list in a minute, and updating the description. We still need a medicine cat, so I encourage people to sign up.

Cornsnake enthusiast

Posted 2023-07-09 12:18:14
Rainbite - Warrior - He/him

He'd risen before the sun brushed past the horizon, exiting the warrior's den as he sought out work. He had found himself incapable of resting and wasting away the day with idle chit-chat. Something about made him restless. Clan life was more secured, sheltered. It guaranteed meals most days, and promised a safe nest to sleep in at dusk. This wasn't something he'd been used to, even if he hadn't lived independently before. The mountain was merciless and took more than it gave, while life in the rolling green hills in the company of a clan was He didn't have to hunt every day to feed himself. He didn't have to constantly look over his shoulder for bears or lynxes. Here, there was always someone else to hunt, or patrol, or watch your back.

...And he didn't necessarily like it.

Rainbite didn't like feeling "useless". Life before was guided by the constant flow of work, and he preferred it that way. The dark dappled tom took in a sharp breath as he glanced around the camp to find something to occupy himself with. Hmm...there was still debris from the mudslide. That would do.

And so, the warrior spent his morning shouldering large branches out of camp to prevent crowding and messiness. It wasn't much longer before more life was breathed into camp as cats began to rise from their slumber and start their days. But Rainbite did not bid anyone "good morning"- he was preoccupied, busy, focused. Besides...he wasn't one for talking, anyways. He huffed as he pushed another broken branch out of camp before briskly returning, only to twitch his ears at the sound of his (new) nomer: Rainbite. His sharp yellow eyes drifted across camp to find the source: the clan deputy. It seemed he was being assigned to a patrol...not that he minded- Rainbite welcomed work.


Posted 2023-07-09 12:27:37
Halftail watched from afar as Moonpaw hunted the rabbit. Her emerald gaze was scrutinizing, analyzing every movement the young she-cat made. She grimaced at the faint noise of a branch being broken, worried that Moonpaw would loose the rabbit…the large she-cat crouched low to the ground, creeping close through the tall grass in case she needed to intervene. She jerked up, surprised that Moonpaw had given into the chase. Halftail quickly stood, trotting after the rabbit and the apprentice. She continued to observe the apprentice hunting, nodding quietly to herself as she noted that despite Moonpaw giving herself away, she had still managed to grab ahold of the rabbit.

The large, dark-furred she-cat quickly trotted over to where Moonpaw held her prey, a proud look on the bigger cat's muzzle. "Very good. Just make sure to always be careful where you're stepping…especially with rabbits. Excellent sense of smell," she murmured out towards Moonpaw. She was still glad the apprentice had managed to grab such a large quarry. "We still have a clan to feed though…I can carry the rabbit if you'd like," Halftail said. She knew rabbits were heavy to carry for young cats, plus the large she-cat was anxious to get more prey for the fresh-kill pile.

Posted 2023-07-09 12:32:33
Silentflight hummed in agreement and dipped his head respectfully towards the deputy. Not feeling particularly talkative, the lanky tom turned to make room for anyone else who wished to be assigned orders and started towards the camp entrance. Rainbite was, as it seemed typical for him, already up and working around the camp. The dark dappled tom wasn't the worst warrior to be paired with, simply because he was quiet. Silentflight wasn't in a chatty mood anymore, anyway.

Changing directions, Silentflight noticed Rainbite was already looking their way, likely having heard his name. How weird must it be, to suddenly have an entirely new name? Did he ever miss the life he came from? He never spoke of it, nor of anything really, but if it included mass casualties such as what had recently happened, Silentflight figured a new name might be worth it. Not that Silentflight would ask. Trying to appear less like a grumpy badger, he murmured a good morning as he approached. "If you are at a stopping point, Riverwhisper wants us to go on a border patrol."


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