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Tales of Bushclan [onsite warrior cats rp] [open for new members]

Posted 2023-07-10 15:47:30
hwr fur rised when she heard someone coming into the nursery but when she realized it was moonpaw her fur lied flat "hello my lovely moonpaw, i heard that you caught a rabbit, it mustve been huge" she purred with  amusement "these are your brothers and sisters reed'kit, thrush'kit wind'kit and acorn'kit" she looked lovingly at the four kits she reaxhed out and touched her nose to moonpaw's nose she picked up reed'kit who was on top of thrush'kit and thruah'kit was mewling protests she chuckled and placed thrush'kit on her forepaws and began giving him a bath her green eyes glowed with the love of her children she licked moon'paws forehead

Posted 2023-07-10 16:24:41
Silentflight - He/Him - Warrior

The patrol was luckily quiet, if not a bit boring, with no indication that there were any trespassers or threats to the clan. Rainbite was quiet, as usual, and Silentflight kept a careful eye on the undergrowth rather than his companion. He didn't feel much like conversing anyway. Skirting a bit away as the larger tom scratch marked a tree, Silentflight sniffed at the border carefully, nose wrinkling at the faded scent of twoleg. Howlingwind has always found the upwalkers fascinating, even if he didn't want to become a kittypet. Silentflight, however, thought they were repulsive. Large, clumsy, and smelly. "Twolegs have been here recently." He meowed, tail tip twitching.

Then Rainbite spoke, and Silentflight blinked in surprise. He wasn't sure if he'd recognize the bulky toms voice if he didn't see his mouth move. "Sure." With the sun going down, the lanky tom would much rather be in the camp than in an area he didn't know that well. Turning, he started a quick trot back towards the camp, long legs eating up the ground to try and get back before dark.

Tinyshadow - He/Him - Medicine Cat

Pleased someone was going to get the borage leaves for Cinderwing, Tinyshadow nodded his assent then turned towards the camp entrance himself. The walk would not be fun, but maybe a bit of exercise would do him some good? Maybe he could find some laurel leaves to help him carry what he finds back? Contemplating where he could vaguely remember the herbs were located, the skinny tom headed towards the camp entrance, trying his best not to limp in front of his clanmates. It would not do them any good to know their medicine cat was ailing. They had enough to worry about as it was. Slipping through the entrance, Tinyshadow sighed quietly and began heading towards the herb patch. With the sun starting to set, Tinyshadow knew he'd likely not be back before dark.


Posted 2023-07-10 17:35:45

Moonpaw • Apprentice • She/her

Moonpaw purred as Cinderwing licked her forehead affectionately. Sometimes she wished her real mother had cared about her like Cinderwing did. I guess that's just too much to ask… She thought sadly. She pushed the thought out, not wanting Cinderwing to see she was sad. Cinderwing is a better mother than Sparkpelt ever was. She thought.

She loved Cinderwing and couldn't imagine having a better mother. Cinderwing was wonderful, and always took care of Moonpaw. Moonpaw hated to admit that she was kind of glad that her mother had died in the mudslide, because now she didn't have to listen to the hate and anger in her voice.

Riverwhisper • Deputy • She/her

Riverwhisper padded out from where she was in the warriors' den. She had been filling in a hole with brambles. She padded around the side of the warriors' den and looked to see if she could still see the hole. She couldn't. She turned and padded over to see if the patrols had returned yet, since it was starting to get late.


Posted 2023-07-10 20:29:19
Halftail  -Warrior  -She/Her

The large she-cat simply nodded in response, her bobbed tail flicking once more before she set off behind Owlstar. Unlike the tom, Halftail was on high-alert. Her emerald gaze flickered amongst the surrounding foliage, and the hackles along her neck and back were raised just slightly. Even if she was overdoing it, she wanted to try and at least frighten whatever creature was out there...which wasn't too hard, thanks to her large stature. She didn't care too much if she looked ridiculous, she had felt something watching her and Moonpaw earlier. She was silently relieved that Owlstar hadn't wanted any patrol to go off on their own. Despite Halftail feeling she had put their leader in danger, she was glad to have him beside her.

Her bobbed tail twitched once more, expressing her annoyance as her nose twitched. She busied herself trying to scent the air for any nearby dangers, though she was finding nothing on the wind except for mice and a squirrel. A soft huff left the large she-cat, her ears flicking back against her head as she glanced up towards the tom walking ahead of her. She marveled at how relaxed he seemed, wondering if he felt as if there was a pair of eyes on them or if it was just her paranoia...

Posted 2023-07-10 21:06:09


He walked along Halftail, occasionally pausing to rake his claws down a tree, or spread his scent through some bushes. Halftail appeared to be on high alert, tail twitching, hackles raised. Try as he might, her mood was contagious. He shifted to a more alert stance, moving a few mouse-lengths to the right. He could hear something on the breeze... A soft whistle of wings? He tried to shake the sudden chill from his fur, attempting to reassure himself. It was just a patrol, Halftail would have let me know if anything dangerous was out here...

He was on full alert now, ears swiveling, attempting to catch every slight sound. Fur bristling, he moved close to the large pine he had been marking. An unearthly shriek sounded from the woods. Turning, he caught a glimpse of hawk talons, briefly illuminated by the moonlight. Moving quickly he leapt into the air, managing to hook his claws into a wing. They smashed into the tree, the hawk screeching furiously. Owlstar felt the sharp talons rake his shoulder, but managed to retaliate, slashing the hawk's wing with his claws. Another attack from the hawk, talons striking his side, caused him to lose his grip, and come crashing to the forest floor. The hawk hadn't been able to lift him far, but the fall still hurt. Wincing, he scrambled to his paws, looking for Halftail. The bigger she-cat would be to large for the hawk to lift, but it could still seriously injure or kill her. And she didn't have extra lives to waste.

He yowled a warning, pelting after the hawk. It was getting harder to see in the failing light, and he couldn't let the bird find its way to camp. It could carry off the kits! "Halftail!" He yowled, hoping she was still close by. They had been right next to each other, but he had wandered off to mark the tree... "We need to catch that hawk! Don't let it get far!" He continued, still running after the bird. It was headed away from camp now, but if they couldn't catch it...

Cornsnake enthusiast

Posted 2023-07-10 21:24:21
Halftail  -Warrior  -She/Her

Halftail's eyes widened at the faint whistling sound, her head immediately jerking up towards the darkening sky above the two cats. She hadn't even thought to pay attention to what was above them, but it all made sense if something had been watching and stalking them from above. A soft, rumbling growl began to rise out of the large she-cat's throat...her fur bristling as every muscle in her body quivered. Her emerald gaze widened as she watched the hawk attack Owlstar seemingly out of nowhere. The yowls leaving her leader's muzzle along with the screeching cries of the hawk quickly snapped the large warrior into action.

Halftail was busy climbing up the one of the nearby trees near where the battle had broken out between the two cats and the hawk. She was internally chastising herself for doing something as reckless as what she was planning, it having been a few moons since she'd really tried anything... She swallowed her fear and doubt, knowing that wouldn't help any in these moments. She quickly made her way out along one of the lower branches, keeping a keen gaze on the Owlstar that was fending off the hawk. Her bobbed tail swayed from side-to-side, her claws digging deep into the wood as she steadied herself. Images of Moonpaw and her mother Cinderwing flashed through Halftail's mind...the clan had already lost so much, and she didn't want to risk anything else happening...

Just as the hawk was beginning to take off and Owlstar was yowling her name, the dark she-cat lunged from the tree. She wasn't incredibly balanced, so she only managed to latch onto the wing of the hawk with her front claws. But, she dug in tight, grasping whatever feathers or muscle she could with her muzzle as the two creatures landed in a heap of feathers and fur. Pain wracked through the she-cat's body, almost immediately regretting having done such a stupid move. But the hawk was quickly up and screeching again, Halftail quickly batting and growling out at the large bird as she tried to get away from it before it could strike at her...

Posted 2023-07-10 22:23:59


Owlstar quickly reversed course, realizing what Halftail had planned. He watched as she appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, and came crashing down onto the hawk from a nearby tree, driving back to the ground. She hadn't taken the landing well, and was trying to fend off the hawk, snarling and swiping at the large bird. Diving in front of her, he took a blow the hawk had aimed for her throat. It hit his side, much deeper than the other cuts he had suffered that night. Hissing with pain, he drove his teeth into the thick wing muscle, attempting to sever the tendons. Once it couldn't fly, they could kill it at their leisure. He was forced to leap away from the slashing talons once more, practically snarling at the hawk. He managed to get a few decent hits on the hawk, but it somehow managed to elude him, keeping its wings from his grasp.

He decided to charge straight on, in an attempt to know the hawk off balance. The longer this fight went on, they would start making potentially deadly mistakes. He went straight for the throat, but was knocked partially aside. In a desperate attempt to salvage the risky move, he dug his teeth into the outstretched wing, managing to wrench it from the socket. As the bird screeched in pain, he fell back, breathing hard. The various cuts he had accumulated stung, and the gash on his side hurt like it had been set alight. Halftail looked no better, and her fall looked like it had rattled her. But the hawk looked even worse. With one wing dislocated and the other one nearly shattered by Halftail, it seems to have given up. Owlstar felt a strange pity for the injured animal, and hastened to put it out of it's misery with a swift bite to the neck, crushing the throat. "Thank starclan!" He bowed his head, thanking his ancestors for the victory.

"We should bring this back to camp, looks like a decent piece of freshkill." He looked and sounded exhausted, tail drooping, and blood running from his many wounds. But he still smiled, thanking Halftail for her much-needed help in the battle. "Amazing move with the tree back there, it looked like you came out of nowhere!" He picked up the hawk by one wing, signaling with his tail for Halftail to grab the other. It was nearly pitch-black now, so they would have to rely on their knowledge of the paths to lead them back to camp.

//I had this all written out but I accidentally closed the tab and lost it, so sorry it took a bit longer to respond

Cornsnake enthusiast

Posted 2023-07-11 06:59:45
Rainbite - Warrior - He/him

The large warrior began to lumber towards camp with Silentflight, yellow eyes occasionally straying off to observe the surrounding territory. It was a far cry from home. He was used to more shrubbery and trees than the rolling golden hills provided in the small section of territory. His paws had been worn from moons of trekking rocky landscapes, but, the ground was soft and nourished. The mountains held no mercy, it allowed no mistakes. The terrain had been rugged, and the cats even more so. Predators there, they did not wait for you to happen upon them- they sought you out. Life was always spent on-guard, just waiting for the bad news that someone you'd loved had been taken from you.

The silent warrior abruptly stopped in his tracks at the sound of yowling just over the treeline. Surely Silentflight heard it as well- he paused to glance at the lanky tom before narrowing his eyes and nodding firmly. Whoever was out there, it didn't sound like many of them- maybe two cats. They probably needed reinforcements, especially if they'd happened upon something like a badger or a fox. Whatever it was, they could check it out and act from there. If they needed more reinforcements, then surely one of them could run for camp to gather more warriors.

Rainbite swiveled on his paws and jogged in the direction of the feline cries, his wide and worn paws thundering against the hollow earth. When he broke through the undergrowth, he found himself facing Halftail and Owlstar with a hawk in between them. It seemed that it'd been taken care of already. "Hm." A soft grunt sounded from the large warrior. They were injured, but it didn't seem particularly grave- not to Rainbite and what he'd seen in his moons on the mountains, anyways. Tinyshadow would surely treat them, so for now, Rainbite would help guide them back to camp.


Posted 2023-07-11 08:05:21

Moonpaw • Apprentice • She/her

Moonpaw purred as he gazed at Cinderwing's kits. "They're adorable," she purred. She leaned forward to muzzle her mother affectionately. She turned to glance at the nursery entrance. "I'll go fetch you some prey," Moonpaw told Cinderwing.

Moonpaw padded out into the clearing. She padded across camp to the fresh-kill pile. She pawed through the pile, she found the mouse she had caught earlier and grabbed it. She carried it across the clearing and into the nursery. "I caught this," She purred, dropping the mouse by her mother's paws.


Posted 2023-07-11 08:47:47
Halftail  -Warrior  -She/Her

Halftail slowly rose to her paws, glancing over at Owlstar and the hawk's body. She was grateful the tom had been there, and that he had drawn the hawk off of her body. She had been on her back, and if their hadn't gotten the hawk's attention, the large she-cat would've been gravely injured... She glanced at the dead hawk before her emerald gaze wandered over Owlstar's battered and bruised body. A feeling of dread and being responsible for his injuries overwhelmed the dark colored she-cat, perhaps she shouldn't have even asked to go on patrol...

She was quickly brought from her thoughts at the tom's words, simply nodding her head in response. "I am sorry I didn't do a better job protecting you, Owlstar..." she murmured out softly. She quickly trotted over to the dead hawk, grasping it by the base of it's wing and close to her neck. She glanced over at the tom, her muscles straining as she went to take most of the weight in carrying the creature back to camp. Her worried gaze continued to wander over to glance at Owlstar, worried that he had received most of the injuries from the battle...

Halftail's ears flicked, her gaze jerking up as she heard someone coming through the brush up ahead. Her gaze focused in on Rainbite, her ears flicking back and forth as she was unsure what the tom was thinking of the pair carrying the dead hawk...or what exactly he was doing or going to do... He was a quiet tom, and Halftail really hadn't spent much time around him. All she knew is that he was clearly a weathered and worn tom, some say he came from the mountains which made sense... Either way, she never knew what to say or do around the tom as she didn't quite know what he thought of the clan.

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