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I need advice!

I need advice!
Posted 2023-07-03 08:35:47
Hi! I got a Storm base app from a giveaway, and I was wondering if I should use it on my stud. link He has novus eyes and torn piebald, is G4. But he has the T2 oroide base. Montana is around 4, so he has 3.5 more years left to go before he starts death roll. Should I use the base app on him, or save it for my next stud??? What do you think?

Ines 🎄 Semi-Active

Posted 2023-07-03 08:40:00
hmmm I think you should save it for your next stud.

At the moment, most applicator applied wolves are common enough (especially Storm it seems) so I'd wait till after the current wave of Storm studs has worn themselves out then apply it to whoever you want your next stud to be! Applicators offer the perfect chance to make NBWs that wouldn't even get a second glance into something special, so obviously they're very useful and sought after. Waiting till your current stud passes on ensures you can get the most desirable traits possible for the wolves you want to breed and traits that are very desirable in studs (Gen 1/NBW, rare markings and eyes, ect.).


Posted 2023-07-03 08:42:34
Thank you. When I bought Montana, my last lead was not yet at level 10, so now that my current lead is level 16, with wolfy odor, I am hoping to find some decent NBWs.

Ines 🎄 Semi-Active

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