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Socialization: Questions

Posted 2023-07-09 11:58:54
Hmm. I've also noticed that it's always a gain/loss of 2 or 5. Can't tell if you can influence this or if it's random.

🍂 Leonca 🐆

Posted 2023-07-09 12:25:46
I think the number in parentheses refers to total increase in relationship points gained in that session of socialization. You can see the relationship gains and losses between each wolf under "view more detail". The lates screenshot from WillowRose shows that there were both positive and negative interactions between wolves and the net gain from the socialization was 2 points.

As to why it's either 5 or 2, I guess it has to do with how well or badly personalities match... I've sent 5 wolves with friendly personalities out to socialize and some have gained 2 relationship points, some 5. Probably has to do with how well specific personalities mesh!


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