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Event: Cataclysms

Posted 2023-08-09 12:14:19
Yeah, I agree some of these quests are apain. I spent almost an entire day looking for a Bobcat before I just got frustrated and skipped it. Then it happened again with a Lynx and I spent all day looking for one. It'd be better if the numbers were slightly more in our favor to find these 'problem' animals.


Posted 2023-08-09 15:07:51
I'm fine with taking hours for a single quest, since the time gets compensated with insta-rewarding quests. But even if not, yesterday I finished only 12 quests out of max 24. Nothing forcing me to reach the limit everyday even though I could just skip quests until I get convenient insta-rewarding ones.

On another topic, anywolf concerned with North Shore Monster residing in southern part of Wolvden?


Posted 2023-08-09 15:11:51
Oh now you mention it, Dza...I'm going to have to look that cryptid up....maybe there's some reason for that placement.
🐾 Murra Dire Wolpard🍀🐾

Posted 2023-08-11 11:58:14 (edited)
North Shore monster is so named because it was supposed to have been spotted on the north shore of the great salt lake. So the creature itself isn't really "northern" (and the state it's from is largely desert, hence the likely reason they put it in that biome).

Meanwhile it's day 2 of trying to find a 3rd animal to help for a quest and after expending my energy like 3 times I am about to give up and skip the quest... It's about to get harder because my lead wolf dies in a few rollovers and I'm going to be locked back to 3 biomes mid-event (I feel like this happened last year too... somehow I always luck into bad timing LOL).


Posted 2023-08-12 06:53:10
I like this event but i have to tell ya guys, when this event is over, my pack will be poorer in resources than before lol.
Well but anyways about the crypids i love to discover more of them....Gotta catch them all!!! XD


Posted 2023-08-20 09:49:06 (edited)
It would be nice if there was a little thing in the sidebar, like the Current Quests and Melvin's Missions info, that let us know how many cryptids per biome we have found. I still have 17 left to find and I am so lost as to how many I found in their biomes and where I need to focus. Especially since I will be getting a new pack leader in a few days and will lose access for a time to a lot of the biomes.

Piriya Lunaerith

Posted 2023-08-20 09:50:55
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah baby! I got all the crypids! heheheheh


Posted 2023-08-21 11:59:35
near t3 cmon lads lets do this!!

Posted 2023-08-21 12:08:49
Still can't find the fur fish and white stag. Didn't have any problem finding everyone last year

🍂 Leonca 🐆

Posted 2023-08-21 12:11:24 (edited)

i just found the white stag