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Prioritize Playability over Game Art

Prioritize Playability over Game Art
Posted 2023-09-19 12:58:20 (edited)
[This post has been edited to abide by forum game development restrictions – you can find my original post at link, it is currently locked as I made a few mistakes. Per rules, I don't see why I can't link my own post.]

This game seems to have a lot of issues that need adjusting for player comfort. I am talking about actual game dynamics and not suggestions to make this game more fun. I am talking about features that are the skeletal work of this game. I have mentioned few of my own original ideas/frustrations as well as requests that others have posted far before mine to show how much those issues have been piling up. This game is becoming tougher and tougher to play even though many of us WANT to.

As per wolvden rules, the developers/moderators are under no obligation to implement and can close down anything they want to. This post is not to be negative, but it is to raise an honest player concern. This game can EASILY become self run if there are feature fixes.

Game problem: It does not seem like the developers are listening to the requests of the players.
There was a thread LAST UPDATED in 2020 with all the updates the developers would do [Link]. And ever since there seems to be radio silence. I don't want to sound ungrateful for their work, this is an awesome game. But I have more questions than answers ever since 2020.

Game suggestion:
Pause on the new heavy artwork. We don't need more lunar encounters, or massive amounts of character art for an event ["cough" valentines "cough"], or poses. I would much rather that effort be used to tweak MINOR game dynamics that have become MAJOR by this point. (Edits to past art decors would also be nice as it is a feature of the wardrobe).
The very LEAST is PLEASE give the players an explanation for what is happening. Too many dedicated players are kept in the dark.

As per #7 of the Posting Rules, this forum is pertaining specifically to "Wolvden's gameplay, features, and functionality". All of those seem to have been missing and NO updates on a vast majority of suggestions/requests.

† ʀɪᴘ †

Posted 2023-09-19 16:18:50
I agree that game dynamics need to be focused on now more than ever.  Let the new art, new decor, new fun stuff take a backseat for once.  I don't want to vote on what new decors should we focus on next, I want you to focus on THE GAME MECHANICS.  I want to like this game, but I am slowly growing more annoyed with it as game functionality is continuously ignored.  There needs to be a big overhaul update of game functionality. 

One of the main complains players are saying is the complete lack of accessibility to the site unless you roll over.  You can not look at forums, messages, news, OR EVEN SIMPLE NOTIFICATIONS without requiring you to roll over and have to feed and play with your pack and use up food and amusement for the day for something you just wanted to check.  I myself are one of these players that are desperately asking for this.

𐕣 Sigyn Dormer 𐕣

Posted 2023-09-19 16:47:51
I started playing Wolvden in November 2021 and I can't agree that the developers don't listen, as I have seen MANY improvements since then that are not just about the visuals, so I feel like you are being way too harsh just because they haven't met every single expectation since 2020. Hell, I haven't achieved most of the plans I set for myself either. In fact, I have been impressed by how the devs DO listen and I think the communication is great for the most part. The issue here would be lack of explanation about why some things have not been achieved despite the plans. Maybe something to add to the weekly news post about what the staff are working on or what plans they've changed or postponed? I know that they have been planning to implement the Karma system on Wolvden, but due to popular opposition, they have not gone down that path. So they definitely do pay attention and I think you should give them more credit for it...

I do agree though that there are some major aspects of the game that require only minor tweaks and I agree with the suggestion that art design should take a backseat until common player concerns are dealt with. Perhaps making a new "to-do" list - or as Sigyn suggested, a weekly poll that focuses on the game's functionality. Perhaps let players vote on the list of issues so that they could work on the most popular ones first?

And yes, locking notifications behind RO is a pain in the butt and I have friends along with myself who have been very vocal about this issue. I'm sure most people would be happier to see this changed before getting yet another new lunar base or something.

☆ 𝖋𝖔𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖆𝖓 ★

Posted 2023-09-19 17:00:43
@ ☨𝖋𝖔𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖆𝖓☨ #51433
I am not saying that the devs don't do anything at all. I would have explained myself better in what areas specifically, but that is not allowed. So I am limited to very blocky terms.
At the current stage, there have been very many "hanging" vital suggestions. (Refer to my locked form link mentioned above). This game is fantastic, and many people love it. If they have not met any expectations, I'm sure people would have quit a long time earlier - but many people have already left, so there is a clog in the wheels somewhere. I did try to give credit in my previous locked forum. I am not looking to "tear down the game/developers" I just want to know what is going on - especially with (as you said) minor issues that haven't been tweaked for over a year.
About Karma, it is not out of the question whether it will be implemented. If you look at their "Upcoming list" all of them have come through - the last one left is Karma. So I wouldn't cross it out just yet.

† ʀɪᴘ †

Posted 2023-10-05 10:23:24
As a game dev in the industry, I can pretty confidently say that the devs implementing art is hardly or not at all interfering with attention to other gameplay mechanics. They're completely different workflows and I'd bet that implementing new art has a streamlined process with how quickly they're able to do so for Lunar events. I'd also bet that a large part of the programmers' time goes towards new events and backend support, which is just as important as new features imo.

Game development takes a lot of time, often waaaay longer than what players perceive to be a reasonable length of time. I think the Wolvden devs are doing an awesome job of balancing new features with upkeep and regular content updates.


Posted 2023-10-06 16:03:48

I am aware that they are not totally the same - but the developers has to put the art into the game mechanics, and there has been alot of that.

I know game development takes alot of time - but I wonder if you know about Wolvdens sister site Lioden. That one has been running for many years, so the developer(s) know what they're doing. I appreciate this last event when they held back on art that isn't even finished. They kept pumping new events and yet the art still isn't there (Scars and valentines).
But let's follow what you say - things aren't that easy and are taking more time than expected. Ok, many of us can make our peace with that, running a game isn't an easy chore after all. But again, transparency. We aren't told to wait, or what is going on or why. That is what has brought down the morale of multiple players. This game involves money too, sometimes alot of it. So I think it is fair to ask the devs what is going on.

† ʀɪᴘ †

Posted 2023-10-06 17:03:02
I'm sure a lot of people would be happy if Lunar event updates were put on hold for a few months or taking a new pattern of new items every other month or so in order for this to happen. I know devs are frustrating and fail to communicate in some aspects but do amazing in others (like the recent ask for feedback on the change in the herbalist role. That was amazing!). I definitely wish the way things are prioritized would be improved.

Personally, I'd like to see one developmental update a month even if they contain no REAL content (new wolf features, items, or features) but instead contain a mass of minor tweaks and potential small new features (Ie: return to explore button after befriending a wolf. Super small and easy to code). As well as that, updates to dev forums or little sneak peaks on what major features are in the works. I'd much rather have this than a new event every few months when this event will only be around for 30 or so days - when a new feature could be around 365 days a year.

Looking, the suggestions forum has 86.5 pages of active suggestions and I can guarantee at least 1/4 of those could be cleared out with a quick 10-30 minutes of coding (And I'm sure some of those are duplicates and could be removed). They're super quick and easy for devs to implement but will mean the world to the player base to have.

Lily (GH!)

Posted 2023-10-08 13:36:54
Game problem: It does not seem like the developers are listening to the requests of the players.

This is exactly how I feel and I will no longer be financially supporting the developers of this game by spending RLC until this radio silence ends. Major support!


Posted 2023-10-30 13:07:34
Not sure if I agree on seeing this "being ignored" pattern. My biggest frustrations after getting used to playing were the difficulty of immortalization and decor not staying when wolves go to the dynasty. It was very clear that they were paying attention to our requests and I was happy with the changes they made.

🍂 Leonca 🐆

Posted 2023-10-30 13:34:36
They've certainly taken steps in the right direction with recent updates IMO and I will absolutely give credit where credit is due. However, in my experience - and others' experiences, too, as you will see if you read this development thread - custom decor artists are still being neglected. We aren't even allowed to modbox about anything custom decor related anymore Other than this major issue, I feel like the game is moving in the right direction given recent updates regarding QOL implementations/updates etc!


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