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Posted 2023-09-23 17:07:31 (edited)

I'm Jack.

I eat pretty wolves.

Share your prettiest wolves and FEED ME.

Thank you.

🍓JackTheAngel🍓Lights On!🍓

Posted 2023-09-23 23:31:51 (edited)
I shall present to you, Jack, Eater of Pretties, the beautiful Moonlight Swan, so that good fortune may be bestowed upon my pack, for they go through a lot.


Posted 2023-09-24 05:40:01
:O SHES SO BEAUTIFUL. I'm definitely eating her. Thank you for feeding me, your pack shall have all the luck in the world <3

🍓JackTheAngel🍓Lights On!🍓

Posted 2023-09-24 12:18:52 (edited)
He may not be as pretty as some of the other wolves, but he is the prettiest one in my pack - Zim seeks to bring fortune to the Three-Prong Pack with his Piebald pelt and Selenite skin. Please grant favor on him no matter his youth or relative prettiness. He is our prettiest representative and we stand by him!!


Posted 2023-09-24 15:01:58
:0 That blue paw is extra tasty. Thank you for the food, may your pack have good fortune. <3

🍓JackTheAngel🍓Lights On!🍓

Posted 2023-09-24 15:06:05
Thank you. Also, I appreciate the Odysseus reference in your bio 🫡


Posted 2023-09-24 15:23:44

Your pretties are spared, you have made the Eater of Pretties proud.

🍓JackTheAngel🍓Lights On!🍓

Posted 2023-09-24 15:25:12
As should always be one's goal. Thank you for sparing my pretty, he will go on to do great things in Odysseus' name.


Posted 2023-09-24 15:27:42
May he have a most adventurous odyssey.

🍓JackTheAngel🍓Lights On!🍓

Posted 2023-09-24 15:33:59
I shall feed you my prettiest wolves

hülya & dumanlı

kyo / rozie ♡

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