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Black T* Applicator Base

Black T* Applicator Base
Posted 2023-10-04 09:09:38
We have tons of colors, and with the Halloween event we're getting white! I would love a dark and mysterious base applicator to add to my wolves since the only black wolves you can make in game are T1 or T2.

Posted 2023-10-04 09:10:31
I WAS HOPING HALLOWEEN WOULD HAVE A BLACK BASE SKIN SO SAME!! The ghost is gorgeous and I can't wait to get it but I definitely hope they give us a black base for the upcoming lunar event ;-;

Posted 2023-10-06 20:20:47

Per the Game Development Guidelines, the developers are not currently accepting suggestions for wolf attributes such as bases, eyes, etc so we will lock this thread. You are welcome to re-post your idea when the developers open to these types of suggestions.

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