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[CLOSED] Design My Conjoined Twins & Win 25 GC

[CLOSED] Design My Conjoined Twins & Win 25 GC
Posted 2023-10-08 19:51:17 (edited)


First Prize: Aenocyon (#65468)
Jaquirity & Calotrope

Second Prize: Ramen (#28272)
Timber & Thatch

Third Prize: babycakes21 (#11519)
Wandering Hour

Design Info

Wolf to design: link

I'm not overly attached to any of their existing markings if they don't work with your design, but would like to keep the Brown Points.

I would love something that fits with my pack colors - lots of pinks and purples! But I'm open to any kind of design (there are some marks I really don't like which are detailed below) and I'd love to see a wide array of different color schemes.

Bases You Can Use

  • Abomination, Amor, Hydrangea, Tempest, Luna, Nightchill, Biform, Diana, Moonlight, Ghost, Airglow, Merged, Storm, Selene

Markings You Can Use

Please feel free to use any of the following markings:
  • T0 Markings (Common Marks)
  • T1 Markings (Custom Marks)
  • I love Abomination, Amor, Hydrangea, Tempest, Luna, Biform, Nightchill, Diana, Moonlight, Ghost, Airglow, Merged, Storm, Selene
  • I really love White Bottoms & White Urajiro, Ornate Spots/Splotches, Dilution & Lupos
  • Please fill at least 7-8 marking slots
Please DO NOT use these marking types:

Other Features

  • Eyes: Any eye applicators (so no breed-only or NBW-exclusive eyes like Husky, Dark Hazel, Storm, Smoke, Mercury, Heterochromia etc.)
  • Leather: I typically prefer Black, Apollo or Lusxnei


Feel free to submit as many entries as you'd like as Wardrobe links (the very long link at the bottom of the Wardrobe page). You can add or suggest decors/backgrounds of any kind, but it's not required. Name suggestions are welcome!


  • First Prize: 25 GC + 3 refunded breedings to Raphael + any custom decor from this list
  • Second Prize: 5 GC + 2 refunded breedings to Raphael
  • Third Prize: 500 SC + 2 refunded breedings to Raphael

Contest ends October 31, 2023. Good luck!


Posted 2023-10-08 19:51:28 (edited)


Images link to Wardrobe design

Cocoat (#39319) Aenocyon (#65468) Jaquirity & Calotrope Yup[Rat]nikᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐶ (#91893) Scarlet Storm ScarTheHunter (#119024) Polar and Light mALEc (#121180) Myza & Remor Roki and Tanor Kainn and Habel hop (#26470) Ramen (#28272) Timber & Thatch Stella & Locus Artemis & Lupa Ren (#87527) Azul & Marado dragon'sflames (#56503) Simpering Auroras; Murmuring Thoughts; Dual Moon; Of the Stars Hurricane's Howls; Dancing Moons; Starlight Comets; Aurora's Moon; Borealis Star; Luna's Twinkling Stars; Babbling Rivulets Ratt.teethh (#1002) Dreamer (#3452)


Posted 2023-10-08 19:51:47 (edited)


Images link to Wardrobe design

BUZZ (#89759) Void (#11236) babycakes21 (#11519) Glimpse of Love Frostberry Wandering Hour Carrie (#45194) Lunar Dream Baileaf (#25586) Heather & Rose Mia (#80683) Umbrae Praeterita mercury-and-scry (#91907) 子守唄 (#41995) Milan (#14425) hallownine (#1517)


Posted 2023-10-08 20:56:24
1st Entry

What kind of names do you like? Is there a theme to how you name your wolves that you want to follow or do you just want a name that would fit the twins?
Cocoat [lights off!]

Posted 2023-10-08 21:00:23
Just any name that would fit the twins! I do have sort of an ethereal, supernatural theme to my pack though, as far as names go Thanks for your entry, adding it to the entries post now


Posted 2023-10-08 22:03:04 (edited)
Jaquirity (Jack), Another name for the Rosary Pea, which is poisonous!

I had a wonderful time designing this wonderful fellow, and hope you enjoy it as much as I did! Good luck with finding the right design, I can't wait to see what you pick

EDIT: Just now realized I use a lot of 100%s, my bad, will add another version with lower opacity when I get on tomorrow!


Posted 2023-10-08 22:46:22
The 10th marking on that design is a combo marking (T6), but other than that I really love the direction you're going with it


Posted 2023-10-08 23:25:45 (edited)
Jaquirity is so cute !!! I just wanna do an entry for fun: Scarlet Storm
I am terrible at naming but the way you name your wolves reminds me of race horses

I just realised I use your stud and he gave me the most stunning T3 Pinkish panda
Edit: OMG I also used Julien's Song religiously (I recognised your page art)


Posted 2023-10-08 23:28:00 (edited)
I saw him earlier!! What a gorgeous pup Thank you for using him!


Posted 2023-10-09 06:46:08
link ´Polar and light

☠Nevaneel 1#CoolGuy Fan💞

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