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เผบโ›ฆ๐”ธ๐•–๐•Ÿ๐• ๐•”๐•ช๐• ๐•Ÿโ›ฆเผป๏ธโ€ #65468

Infrequent Rolling!

(25 gc) Princess Aayla (Lunar)
(5 gc | 500 sc) A Halo from the Corrupted (Eyeless)
(8 gc) Omen's Plushie
(5 gc | 500 sc) Prismatic Clouds (Below Wolf)

~ [Canada] Ontario - Algonquin Park // [USA] Alabama - Little River Canyon // [USA] Arkansas - Ozark National Forest // [USA] Kentucky - Red River // [USA] Louisiana - Atchafalaya Swamp // Beaver Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse // Flickering Forest // Hidden Passage in Watkins Glen Park // Lights Over Water Trail // Misty Trail // Mountain Laurel Blossoms // Serene Swamp // Shining Waterfall // Silent Autumn Night

~ Notches marks* // Freckles marks // Crawl marks // Peacock marks // Streaks marks // Shadow marks // Shimmer marks // Abyssal marks // Achilles marks // Airglow marks // Akhlut marks & base* // Beast marks // Caelum marks // Clover marks & base // Cynthia marks & base // Faelcu marks & base* // Fuath marks & base* // Hurricane marks & base // Kin marks // Monster marks & base* // Moss marks & base // Nightchill marks // Penumbra marks & base // Sidhe marks & base // Spore marks // Storm marks & base // Tempest marks & base // Unfolded marks

~ RMAs // Gender leaves (s3x changers) // Opacity Changers & Marking Removers // SC & GC // Poses // MODs // Jellyfish // breeding items // Salves & Feet // Personality Changers // Aniseed // Elk Bundles // Gaarana


why is the art not centered

เผบ๊™ณ แ—๐Œฑ๐ˆ๐ี‡ ๊ก•๐Œด ๊™ณเผป

โ˜ผ WD TIME +2 โ˜ผ

You can call me Aeno or Cy,
โ˜ผ I'm not picky! โ˜ผ

โ˜ผ Any pronouns work fine โ˜ผ

โ˜ผ Profile by Mzeituni [#133058] โ˜ผ
(Get your own--> โ„‚๐•ƒ๐•€โ„‚๐•‚)

เผบ๊™ณ แŽงแ–แ‚แ‹๐‚ ๐ŠแลฆแŽง ๊™ณเผป

Whether or not I roll over depends on my mood, but I'm usually on during any WD event (lunar included!)

Strictly a raffle-eyed breeder, & want to have only T3/T*/mutie wolves eventually

My favorite base/eyes are Blueschist and Novus! So prettyyy

HTML made by #65468


Welcome to Tuatha Dรฉ Eridanus. May the Deorum light your path...

Member Information
Name เผบโ›ฆ๐”ธ๐•–๐•Ÿ๐• ๐•”๐•ช๐• ๐•Ÿโ›ฆเผป๏ธโ€
Pack Tuatha Dรฉ Eridanus
Alpha ฦฌฮ˜โฑค๊ชœฮฃฦ–ฦ“ ะฆ๐Œ“๐Œ“๐ค ๐’„
Joined 2022-04-03
Last Active 15 hours ago
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