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blackmage pack news [read only]

blackmage pack news [read only]
Posted 2020-10-31 23:35:31 (edited)

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This is a personal thread where I keep news of my own pack.



The pack leader Ghoste gave birth to her first ever litter of puppies. Suffering from infertility issues, she had never successfully gained pregnancy until this heat cycle. Andromeda, the male, was met with much praise from the pack when it became obvious of Ghoste's pregnancy. The birth of the puppies, however, appeared to be ill-fated. Both of them were black like their father, but born a week premature and smaller than runts. Ghoste refused to even look at them, disappointed in her inability to carry, and the two both found homes among other packs. 


Posted 2020-10-31 23:37:12 (edited)


Snow Honey

That night was filled with rumors shared in whispers between the dens. Never had the pack held a birth of puppies from one of it's own bitches, and never in their wildest dreams had they ever thought that they would see the whelping of two litters on one night. The brightly shining luminous moon seemed to foretell an omen, although the pack-mates themselves couldn't agree upon the meaning--for a pack that lived in darkness, should they revel in the sight of a full moon or should one so bright be seen as a warning of "godliness"? The young male Andromeda gossip-mongered along with them, practically sneering in his voice when he told of how Snow Honey had returned with the other pack's concubine and somehow the two had both shown pregnancy within days. There was a bitter yelp of agony as a competing female crushed his balls and told him to shut up. Ghoste wouldn't hear wind of it--if any of the pups were bastard heirs to a king, it needn't come to her ears. It rightfully wasn't anyone's damn business to ask, but as the first litter whelped with four puppies, and then the concubine showed three newborns, decisions had to be made of what pups would be prioritized.


Posted 2020-11-01 14:46:41 (edited)


As no wolves in the pack had prior experience raising pups, Ghoste brought in Mrs. Nanny, a scar-covered she-wolf who sworn that she'd never lost a pup under her care. 

Snow Honey's four puppies included three females and one male, all varying shades of white and light gray. They appeared to be all be rather strong and healthy. 

Kismet - 329 Stats

The firstborn, white as snow and with pink eyes and a nose that made her look albino, was named Kismet. She had an auburn strike on her back like faded lightning. 

Ivory - 336 Stats

The second was born with amber eyes and a white coat with undertones of ice and overtones of very light grey. Named Ivory after her appearance, she was deemed to be the strongest of the litter from birth. 

Necromancy - 330 Stats

The third born to the litter was a pup with grey markings. As the second-only male in the entire pack he was welcomed with much excitement.

The concubine's three pups were all females that matched their mother's coat well. If they were the children of King Archibald then they didn't physically show it at least at this age. Ghoste promised her asylum within the pack until her pups were weaned, at which point she would be escorted by the scouting team to the edge of the glaciers.


Posted 2020-11-12 19:51:50 (edited)


Three new pack members obtained over time!


The she-wolf was found wandering with a large rusted metal sword after a pack of deer. She'd been trailing the herd for miles, slowly picking them off for nouishment. Ghoste was impressed by her bloodstained appearance and offered her a place among the pack ranks as an executioner for the hunts. Butcher showed very little emotion, but felt a ping of loyalty start up in her heart for the pack that should take her in. 



Two young puppies were both brought into the pack for their astounding strength and colors. In return for the two Ghoste had offered payment and items and her request for the trade was accepted.


Posted 2020-11-14 16:50:23 (edited)


The pack's numbers were increasing, as was the demand for food. The pups were getting older, and although they were not yet of age to take on their pre-determined roles, their hungry mouths were beginning to become harder to feed. The leader Ghoste commanded the set-up of a hunting party. When she was told that there were few adults to take up such a prospect she merely laughed. There were nearby packs alike under the same conditions; they had growing numbers but limited food and den space. The leader consulted them and without any exchange of a promise of pay, she returned with several unwanted huntresses and scouts. Within the first few hunts the signs of success were obvious -- small quail carcasses turned into large bucks and mountain goats. Although the uninitiated would never have a place among the cultists, either, neither did they have to worry about hunger after their fruitful hunts.


Posted 2020-11-23 14:36:42 (edited)



Snow Honey, after raising her last set of pups, was going to put-off of having her last litter until she reached an older age. However, after meeting the right male, a strong and powerful pack leader Lear, she made a sudden decision to have an unplanned, surprise litter. Quickly within her pregnancy, however, her stomach was growing much larger than previously and it became evident to the pack that she was undoubtedly carrying numerous puppies. Because of her sudden put-on of weight she was forced to be sequestered into nesting early-on. When she was asked if she'd still have gone through the pregnancy if she would've been aware of the weight influx, she simply snorted. 

A few days prior another packmate became pregnant as well. Brought in during the winter from another pack, she exchanged scouting the glaciers in return for food and a place to sleep among the BLACKMAGE. Despite her circumstances, she became respected among the pack. Even though Ghoste shook her head and refused to allow any of the other outsiders at this time to breed, Areetala was allowed to become pregnant with a litter of her own. In return, she kept scouting up until the very last day of nesting.


Posted 2020-11-27 05:55:16 (edited)



Was born with an absolutely gorgeous dark coloration and even black scleras. Her fearsome appearance has already become the subject of rumors in other packs.


As Juke is the same shade of blue as Ghoste, the leader has become more protective over the pup--even though she's the smallest of the litter.


The smallest of the females born by a small margin.


Named after a previous pack member.

With the birth of such a massive litter of gorgeous puppies, and Ghoste's unwillingness to plan to send any of them to different packs, a choice had to be made. With their usefulness outlived, the leader sent on the previously gained hunting party on their way, instead allowing the grown adolescents to make up the packs' current hunting party. The youngest wolves aren't near as talented as their better suited counterparts, Ghoste believes that they will learn quickly before the start of the next winter.


Posted 2020-12-02 19:57:08


The midst of winter, though the prey is the most scarce of all during this time, has brought about an unbelievable and cherished surprise for the pack. 


Posted 2020-12-16 19:41:49



BLACKMAGE has obtained it's first CHAMPION.
She's a white she-wolf with black eyes. 
The purpose of this new rank is to create a battle-heavy wolf to fight as the pack's champion. This wolf's second-highest duty while upholding their title will be to father (or mother) as many pups as possible to pass on their incredible strength and resilience. 


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