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Help picking my future stud! ONE DAY LEFT!!

Help picking my future stud! ONE DAY LEFT!!
Posted 2023-10-16 17:30:33 (edited)
This will be my very first stud but I have no idea which of my boys to pick! I've managed to narrow it down to my two favourites- Ezrin and Trypsin (details of each below). Let me know which one is your favourite/you would breed with! If the one you like gets chosen then you'll get one refunded studding when he becomes available (as a thank you for your help/contribution). To make sure I don't forget I'll be adding your id to their bios

Both boys are clean/nib and still need to have some apps applied

-- EZRIN --

Ezrin is a 3rd generation albino carrier with a precise nature. I'll be giving him the ghost base app later today along with various apps. His empty mark slot will be filled with an RMA. I hope to one day replace his skin and claws with Umbra and his eyes with Vision (saving up LT). His current stats are:
    Strength:      65
    Speed:          196
    Agility:          208
    Wisdom:      67
    Smarts:        69
    Total:            605


Trypsin is a 3rd generation blueschist (T3) with yagou eyes and an adventurous nature. I hope to one day replace his skin and claws with Umbra (saving up LT). His current stats are:
    Strength:      93 + 24
    Speed:          69 + 9
    Agility:          69 + 9
    Wisdom:      79 + 9
    Smarts:        66 + 9
    Total:            376 + 60

Thanks for the help, it's hugely appreciated and I hope to see some of you in my stud request in the future


Posted 2023-10-16 22:40:50
I would go with Trypsin! He's lower gen, which appeals to a wider market. His stats aren't great, but they'll increase over time.

I believe Cool Darks are pretty popular at the moment, and I personally am a big fan of Blueschists, Yagou eyes (since they're relatively expensive applicators), and the natural markings.


Posted 2023-10-17 01:01:15
Thanks! He was initially my first pick as well and ngl I love his yagou eyes! I'd mess around a little bit with his marks (increase opacity a bit and such).


Posted 2023-10-17 09:28:52
Personally I'd go for Ezrin, particularly with a few more marks, since he's a gen 3 carrier who's very pretty. He's certainly the one I'd be more likely to stud to! However I do think the blueschist probably has a wider appeal


Posted 2023-10-17 16:54:48
Thanks!! I don't know if you noticed but he was originally one of your pups


Posted 2023-10-17 20:03:42
😂😂 I did not! Clearly my taste in wolves is predictable hahaha


Posted 2023-10-17 20:07:35
Personally, Tripsin is the best pick but with a base app Ezrin would be an excellent choice


Posted 2023-10-17 20:10:23
I usually go for the really colorful, vibrant types but I love Trypsin!

Posted 2023-10-17 20:48:40
It sounds like it is a tough choice between Ezrin and Trypsin Thank you both for your inputs and I'll make sure to note you both down for future refunds~


Posted 2023-10-18 12:14:19
I would also go with Trypsin, as pretty as T*s can be typically T3s get more traction with studding. Not to mention 5/6 of his current marks are already rare ones so if you decide to work on them or not you're good either way. Not to mention hes gen 3 which would be more likely to get stud requests from what ive noticed. Regardless all the wolves are beauties!


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