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[Crow x Moon] To be Free

Posted 2025-01-06 10:55:02
Ami nods softly, smiling at him. "I won't. Now less talking and more healing." She said, helping the medics put him on the stretcher. She keeps his hand in hers, ignoring the throb in her arm. (Because maybe Ami likes him 👀)

Brian focused on making sure Adam was lighter as he went, sticking close to Star. Siena kept ahead, making sure they were on the right path. 'Soon,' she thought, which Brian heard. Adam still wheezed, his paws twitching, but was slowly getting better, very slowly...


Posted 2025-01-06 11:01:40
Jack holds her hand, barely, so he wouldn't hurt himself more or make his skin crack or anything like that. He stared up at her, silent now, sighing softly. (Maybe he likes her back 👀)

Star would keep close to Brian too, focusing on flying at the same pace as him. She knew that they'd get to safety and be okay soon. 'we'll get there. Adam, try to take deep and slow breaths.' she thinks to them.
Night Crow the Bird Brain

Posted 2025-01-06 11:52:41
Ami gave him asmile as they entered the building, letting go as they brought him to get treated. She watched him go, waving off the medic who came to her. Let her feel the pain, let it ruin her, because she failed to protect Jack, her team. (Hehe :3 )

Brian glanced up at Star with a wolf smile, as Siena cared that she could see the city. 'Near!' She thought. Adam meowled in response to Star's guidance, trying his best to take deep, slow breaths, coughing every other breath. But it was helping.


Posted 2025-01-06 12:35:44
Jack saw her protest to the worker just before he lost sight of her, and called out weakly "let them help you, Ami.' he said. He didn't want her to be hurt either, and wanted her to accept the help so he would know he protected her well.

Star continues, staring at the city. 'almost there. Keep taking deep, slow breaths. Once we're there, we'll find you some water, and you can drink it when your coughing isn't as bad.' she thinks to Adam.
Night Crow the Bird Brain

Posted 2025-01-06 13:35:39
(Could i have food pleaseeeee?l

Ami glanced at Jack, swallowing. She didn't want to.... she failed him, she deserved it... but he said too. "Fine" she muttered. "Just the bare minimum, okay?" She told them, glancing at where Jack was last, before he entered the medical room.

Adam meowed again, Brian pausing as he began walking a little too far, before starting again. Siena came and glided beside Star, caring softly. 'Good. We will be there very soon, we will be safe' she thought for Brian, who gave a bark. 'When we get there, I'll glamour our wings ears and tails so we can go in normally. I'll get us a hotel, and we'll settle for the night.' He thought to all three


Posted 2025-01-06 13:56:11
(sure, have some barbecue lays chips :3 *hands bag of chips*)

Jack would no doubt be in the medical room for a few hours.

Star would keep pace with Brian, carefully still. 'okay. What's a hotel?' she asks telepathically. She hadn't been out here so she didn't know what most things were.
Night Crow the Bird Brain

Posted 2025-01-06 14:14:59
(I meant for my wolves lol, but thank you! *takes chips*)

Ami let herself be brought to the medical room where she was placed beside Jack, getting treated. She couldn't bring herself to look at him.... she had done this to him. (What if Dr.Barr brought another experiment, one that's not very big in the rp, and healed Jack?)

Siena looked at Star. "Its a place you can stay when you leave home. You sleep, eat and rest there, and then you usually go home. But we'd need to stay there until we get a home..." She thought for Star to hear


Posted 2025-01-06 15:06:53
(oh! For your wolves! Of course lol, I'll send some! Also the healing experiment would be super cool, we could say it's just a very big Axolotl with healing magic XD)

Jack would look to her and smile a bit. "...hey..." He says softly. "'s your arm...?" He was sitting still so he could be helped, but still wanted to talk to her.

Star tilted her head a bit. 'a home that isn't a home?' she asks, curious. 'what's it like?'
Night Crow the Bird Brain

Posted 2025-01-06 16:10:09
(Thank you!! Yes Axolotl with healing magic. Snap and it goes away.)

Ami swallowed, looking at him. "It's fine." She said, glancing at the huge axolotl being brought in to heal Jack. "Im sorry... i failed you" she mutters, looking at him again. She refused the healing, wanting the scar, the pain, at least for a bit.

Brian shrugs with a wolfish grin. 'I don't know, I just know they exist..' He said. Siena tilts her head, landing on Brians back. 'It's nice. Everyone takes care of you, and they're super nice too. Usually you get free food.' She thinks. Adam twitches, growing tired of being carried but still not able to breathe properly. He keeps taking deep breaths. He has no idea that Brian, Star and Siena are having a full-on conversation, not having any magic properties, and not knowing his thoughts could be heard.


Posted 2025-01-06 16:14:10
(yeh lol. Also you like the bonus gifts? :3)

Jack sighs. " didn't fail me, it is my duty to keep you safe so you can lead us..." He mumbled softly. "...but you got hurt, so if anything, I failed you, Ami... Please let them heal you..." He sighs.

Star let's out a trill, happy. 'foooooood' she said, and literally nothing else as she continued to follow. She was very food-oriented and kept flying, even going a bit faster due to the food option.
Night Crow the Bird Brain

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