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Add 'amount selected' counter when crafting nesting material~

Add 'amount selected' counter when crafting nesting material~
Posted 2023-11-25 15:10:52 (edited)
Hello! I just thought this may be useful as a quality of life suggestion, I'm not sure if there's a different place for that.

As you may know, when you go to craft a nesting material, you need to select 10 of any of the items that can be used. This includes remnants of feathers, many herbs, and large leaves.

Well, what I find kind of annoying is that there is no way to tell how many I've selected as I go down the list. Of course, I usually count them, but I get easily distracted and have to scroll back up to recount. There have been many times when I've counted wrong, and only had selected 9 items, and had to go back through and re-do it. And of course I know I could start at the top, but I am very choosey with what I use, as I never use my herbs for nesting material, only my feather remnants, and even then use some of them for crafting.

It would be nice to have an 'amount selected' counter at the top of the place where you select the items. This would be very similar to the 'amount selected' on the Raccoon Ware's page.

-Ally- (Hiatus)

Posted 2023-11-25 17:50:17

This has been previously suggested in this suggestion thread so we will lock yours as a duplicate. Please feel free to support and comment on that thread if you like.

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