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Enjolras does gifting 2023

Posted 2023-12-01 08:22:07 (edited)
Merry Christmas and great idea!
I'm gifting some if the above :)

Here's the link to my wishlist  (some easier things in other pages XD ). I love all decor and bg and grove apps, link but anything is good except maybe food because I always have rotting one!

mALEc ๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿฐ ๐ŸŒธ

Posted 2023-12-01 08:28:40
I'm gifting above. My wishlist is on my page but anything is appreciated. Always need nesting materials <3

Posted 2023-12-01 08:36:15
Gifting you all


Posted 2023-12-01 10:09:15 (edited)
Here is my wishlist:
SC and GC
Base Applicators
Eye Applicators
Btw everything is appreciated^^
And I will be gifting you as well^^
Happy holidays everyone ^^

Posted 2023-12-01 10:47:28
tysm for opportunity!
my wishlist is mostly just any decor, recipe or any apps! im grateful for anything realy ^w^
happy holidays

๐Ÿ”๏ธโ„๏ธSkeever๐Ÿ€ ๐Ÿ”๏ธ

Posted 2023-12-01 10:47:31
As a newer player, I don't have a wishlist atm, but am grateful for anything that helps me farther my game!

Will gift some others! Merry Christmas ๐ŸŽ„

Posted 2023-12-01 10:49:40
My wishlist is on my profile page!!
gifting someone else too!!

Posted 2023-12-01 10:50:09
Thanks for doing this! Happy Holidays

Posted 2023-12-01 10:52:46
my wish list :
some gc
and some amusments
that's all thanks!
i hope i'm not too late

Posted 2023-12-01 10:53:00 (edited)
Thank you for opening this!
My wishlist
Anything on my wishlist
Any amount of SC/GC


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