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[explore encounter] defuse and befriend!

Posted 2024-01-02 08:46:49
I like this idea! It would definitely make it a lot easier for me for new wolves to befriend as I am always looking at NBWs and live in the glacier! Support!


Posted 2024-01-03 07:14:37
tbh it could also work when engaging in a battle, only using pacifist options like tumbling, resting and waiting could increase the chance of the defusing option to appear towards the end

Posted 2024-01-06 11:28:54
I like the original idea, however I don't like it being a talent. I think that talents are annoying enough because you can't get all them and have to specialize. It could be added to the befriending talent (not as a new one but as an add on) to avoid adding more talents. I also don't think karma should be implemented into the game.
The original idea feels lovely but I wouldn't want it to replace befriend encounters.

Posted 2024-01-06 11:35:56
i think it would be pretty cool that if you defuse and try to befriend, that there's a possibility of earning that wolf as a decor piece like how we have for the others! maybe it could be a rare drop? like you defuse, befriend, and instead of being  a random NBW, you'd earn the actual wolf (same rate as a trophy drop, ig?)


Posted 2024-01-06 14:03:41
it definitely would not replace befriend encounters! this would purely be an additional rare encounter. hopefully that clarifies things <3

it is an interesting idea, but the whole idea surrounding it is that it is another way to befriend wolves that can be claimed and added to your pack!

cuttlekiss 🐙

Posted 2024-01-06 14:38:59
@1052 i dont mean it would replace the whole befriending encounter, i mean theres like a %5 (more or less) chance of getting that single wolf as a decor option (like, since it would be a single wolf, the type of wolf would change based on region. (i.e grey wolf, timber ect) like, 95% of befriending a new wolf, %5 getting a decor


Posted 2024-01-06 15:32:26
@40782 i see. thank you for the clarification on that! i do still think that defuse would be purely a befriending encounter, though.

cuttlekiss 🐙

Posted 2024-01-06 15:54:55
@1052  , oh, for sure! and i def support this idea, having more befriending encounters & a larger chase pool would be really helpful. more encounters could boost the found chased amount, and help players by getting pretty / special wolves!


Posted 2024-01-07 07:29:58 (edited)
Innovative 🖤 read all the comments got a lot to do today but I'll be back with better input!

Supported sorry had to edit in a rush!
🇬🇧 Lolly

Posted 2024-01-17 13:58:19 (edited)
It's not a bad idea. I think most people already said my thoughts. It should be rare, because of the buff already present in talents like someone mentioned. I don't know if someone mentioned this, but I think there should also be a chance of failing or succeeding when trying to defuse, perhaps based on certain stats, which could in turn based on biome or type of wolf to keep some variety. That way, there isn't a guaranteed chance that the option works, sort of like the moves in battle. Maybe it should be a die roll even. Another idea could be that once the defuse option succeeds, because the wolf was initially hostile, the befriend encounter could have a chance of starting off with 1 red arrow, adverse to an effect available as a talent. Supported! It will be an interesting new idea.


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