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Box not aligning properly

Box not aligning properly
Posted 2023-12-18 19:35:36
Hello! I've updated my 2 year old HTML code and it's safe to say that I don't remember a thing dgshjs
I can't seem to make the first box behave at all and it's not the specific box either, any box that I put there doesn't align
I'll post the code here if needed but for now I'll just post the screenshot for context


Posted 2023-12-22 21:26:37
It looks like you have a random span element after that box's div code that's causing extra breaks.


Posted 2023-12-22 23:33:18

@fireflii oh man, can you tell where? It's been years since I've touched this code gchbj I'm more used to Be code now
This all happened because I had to delete a link rel="stylesheet" type="link" from my code

Here's the code:
code link


Posted 2023-12-25 20:56:03
<font color="#7b3900">I hope you have a great day and thanks for stopping by! <span style="font-size:14px;"><3</span></font></div><span style="font-size:18px;">


Take out the last span tag that's bolded/underlined above. :) Make sure you remove the closing tag, too (you have it on a separate line).


Posted 2023-12-25 21:31:21
I've removed it but that doesn't seem to have fixed it unfortunately
I didn't even notice I had that in my code hddhsj


Posted 2023-12-25 21:37:59
Do you mind sharing what the stylesheet link is? I'm going to put it in my den and see if I can fix it from there. I'm not seeing what could be causing the issue in the inspector aside from the span code you removed.


Posted 2023-12-25 21:40:07 (edited)
By style sheet you mean this, yes?
This one is from an old template so I wasn't the one who made it


Posted 2023-12-25 21:48:56
Okay, not sure what's going on... I just put that in my den plus the code above (still has that random span style there), and it's aligned on my den page (you can see it live, I left it up for now). Did you paste your code from your den to pastebin, or from pastebin to your den (like which came first)? Can you copy/paste what you have in pastebin to your den as it is? Maybe something was added that's adding break spaces there (<br>).


Posted 2023-12-25 21:56:29
I copied it from my den code into the paste bin
I deleted the entire code and pasted it directly from the paste bin and it's still not aligned?? Dhxhs
Yours is working just fine so maybe my account is just cursed who knows dgdhjs this is what I get for leaving the code untouched for so many years
Thank you for trying to help me by the way! I really appreciate it!


Posted 2023-12-25 22:16:56
Did you remove everything, save, then put it back and save again? Or just re-paste the code?

Either way, I would maybe try to comb through the code (especially around the end of that box code and the beginning of the next one) and remove anything unnecessary. It looks like there's an extra break code or something has extra margin space or something. I can't see what it is by inspecting it, but it's also possible I missed something.


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