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⭐ Guild Mascot Contest ⭐ CLOSED!

⭐ Guild Mascot Contest ⭐ CLOSED!
Posted 2024-01-05 08:07:19 (edited)

Anthology of The Wolves Mascot Contest

Thank you for expressing interest in the Anthology of The Wolves Mascot Contest! We are a new and small guild (looking to grow!) that is meant to serve as a place where users can share and talk about their lore with others. We're always looking for new members!

Contest Info & Rules

We are looking for a wolf mascot for our guild. There are no real requirements for how the wolf should or should not look! However, please keep in mind the theme of our guild: lore! We ask that the wolf design really represents what the guild is about.

  • Winner will receive a Great Tit, Red Cock, and Black Sage! I will be providing these things out of my personal inventory due to the fact that the guild lacks proper funds.
  • The winner of the contest gives up rights of the art and design to the guild. All credit for design and original art will be given to the artist.
  • Bases should not be used when creating this art! The art should be yours and yours only.
  • (2.21.24 UPDATE) The new deadline is March 31st!
  • An artist may have up to 3 entries!

Thank You!

As a guild, we would like to thank you for your participation! We are excited to see what artists come up with! Members of the guild will have a vote on what designs win the contest. They determine the winner! Any members of the guild, existing or joining during this contest may not vote for their own design. You do not need to join the guild to participate in the contest.

an·thol·o·gy ; (n) a published collection of poems or other pieces of writing.

Good Luck & Have Fun!

cuttlekiss 🐙

Posted 2024-01-06 06:30:16

Here's my entry!!


Posted 2024-01-07 08:24:46 (edited)
Joining! Will add my entree here when done :3


His name is gid like guide

cool guy

Posted 2024-01-07 13:20:18
Can the art be traditional art? (silly boomer over here who can only do trad. art)


Posted 2024-01-07 13:20:58
it can be! preferred to be colored, though!

cuttlekiss 🐙

Posted 2024-01-07 13:29:49
Okay! Thank you!


Posted 2024-01-15 20:54:14
Forgot to enter them- Name can be changed, it's Story in spanish i think-


Posted 2024-01-15 21:01:20 (edited)
I know you said that there is no real requirements for the mascot, but are you looking for more in the realistic side (brown, black, white, etc) or can it be on the fantasy side? (Wings, horns, Blue, gold, pink, etc?)


Posted 2024-01-15 21:30:37
Am I possibly able to use a F2U Base?


Posted 2024-01-15 22:09:11
#126972 no bases should be used! i will clarify this in the rules ^^

it can be on the fantasy side. theres no requirements! as long as it fits the themes of our guild.

cuttlekiss 🐙

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