Marking Mover
Marking Mover
Posted 2024-01-06 23:25:30
We know the marking remover, applicator, and opacity changers, right? What if there was marking mover? for like, 2 or 3 GC from the grove you could buy an item that allows you to change what slot a marking is in. For example, if I had a wolf with white unders in slot 5, but wanted it in slot 8, I could use the marking mover to move it without having to remove it and apply it again. If theres already a marking in that slot, maybe they could swap (so if, in the previous scenario, there was black merle in slot 8, after using the marking mover black merle would be in slot 5 and white unders in slot 8), or there could be another marking swapper item. Idk, just an idea I had. I think it would definitely have its uses, especially in helping people layer marks on their wolves, especially the rare ones you cant just apply. |
starwolf #99586 |
Posted 2024-02-28 16:57:00
This has been previously suggested in this suggestion post so we will lock yours as a duplicate. Please be sure to check the Suggestion Compilation Master Post and use the Search to avoid duplicate suggestions in the future. This is a moderator post. |
Moderator |