natsu wanted to help as he watched amethyst get tagged, he suddenly cried out when one of the humans turned their radio on and all it did was static, he slammed his head against a bar letting out a sudden bang as he struggled against the bars, him being a fox meant they gave him a lighter cage then the rest which he quickly took advantage of, using his uneven body weight to slowly tip some of the cage toward the floor, it was all physics, no radiation power junk, just math. he was still in pain because of the noise but the cage slowly settled back onto the ground, stable once more.
True was but into a big cage and towed by the humans to another big box (room) to be examined, True cried out and howled, desperately trying to escape being in the other big box (room).
Amethyst suddenly jerked awake her back leg aching, pain coursed through her ear as she whined...She saw that she was in a white room with many spaced out beds, and signs with number's above each bed. The bed that had a number the same as the one on her ear, Hmm...My ear tag say's #00002? Hahahahah lucky for me my ears are floppy and I can see my actual tag! Anyways...These beds are very spaced out and mine looks awesome! It is so soft but...My claws don't scratch it or tear it!? Eeeek! Amethyst jumped with joy and sniffed her bed as she spread her scent all around it. She also saw a curtain, she pushed it with her paw to realize it was made with that weird stuff humans call "plastic". She looked up and noticed that she had to open it as that of a humans bath curtain. She moved it back to see another bed and another plastic separater.
natsu had caused many problems that day for the humans, they finally got him down, one human had almost lost an arm in Natsu's craze, they thought it was safe once the cage was stable but no, Natsu gave them one heck of a fight. natsu woke up a little later to a room, he hated the room already, it smelled heavily of cleaning products, and the lights were far too bright for any sane thing to enjoy.
Amethyst whined as her excitement faded and she realized she was alone...No one not even that odd fox...No familiar wolf and no unresponsive melanistic wolf that seemed to be in a forever sleep (Abyss).. Amethyst howled out and barked as loud as she could, she jumped against the large window that allowed her to see more rooms with dogs, coyotes, wolves, foxes, jackals and more she whined out to them but wasn't heard.
Amethyst barked as she saw The grey fox being brought to one of the horrid white cells.. The grey fox looked awake so he probably was able to smell and see all of the poor canines...Oh! I hope he is put into my cell...or room? Amethyst thought as she got off of the window and looked around the bright white room that had tiled floors and horrid smelling food pellets and unfresh water.
Amethyst saw true and her tail wagged. "True! When did you get here?" She barked out as she gave him friendly licks since he was an old friend before he left her pack and started one of his own.
Amethyst sighed, "Oh...Well I wonder what we are doing here.......what if...they hurt us?" She asked as she sat back on her haunches to scratch her ear.