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Savage / Snarling Pose?

Savage / Snarling Pose?
Posted 2024-01-18 01:45:48
Hello all, sorry if this has been brought up before, but I just wanted to put out a request / interest check for a more edgy, savage sort of pose for wolves. Often I like to keep wolves with the aggressive personalities, and I'd just really like a cool pose that shows that aggression!

Further bit, I think it'd be fun to make it a craftable pose like Sentinel as well. Fits with lore too, for the people that like that, with a meaner looking wolf requiring a few battle trophies to craft it.

People below (if it's allowed) feel free to post your favorite snarly wolf pics. No BLOOD OR GORE, as suiting Wolvden's guidelines.

Posted 2024-01-18 19:55:39

Per the Game Development Guidelines, the developers are not currently accepting suggestions for poses or variants, so we will lock this thread. You are welcome to re-post your idea when the developers open to these sorts of suggestions.

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