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Talla battle

Talla battle
Posted 2024-01-25 22:25:20
What happens when you somehow win the battle with tala?

TrueStar (hepatitis)

Posted 2024-01-26 11:38:28
As far as I know, you don't win against Tala ever. If I'm wrong, someone will correct me.


Posted 2024-01-26 18:05:06
I think that if you win the battle, The game will act like you lost.

TrueStar (hepatitis)

Posted 2024-01-27 10:43:27
Are we talking about the encounter you have with her in the tutorials or later on when you can fairly rarely come across her? Pretty sure she's just tough in the latter case, since she's level 20, or at least I've only seen her that level. According to the Battle Opponent guide, she doesn't have any unique drops, so I guess just the satisfaction of beating her


Posted 2024-01-27 19:05:37
During the tutorial.

TrueStar (hepatitis)

Posted 2024-01-27 22:26:38
I feel like it's programed basically to not allow you to win? I don't remember, it's been forever since I joined, but I feel like it was something like you got a hit or two in and then she just slammed you like one hit and you were down lol That or they did it like some story fights on LioDen and basically had her damage increased to a point that since you're most likely level 1 when you do this, you just can't keep up no matter what. Honestly, I just remember losing it myself and now anytime I see her in explore, even if I'm her level or higher, I still avoid fighting her.


Posted 2024-01-27 22:42:22
So when you win the game acts like you lost?

TrueStar (hepatitis)

Posted 2024-01-27 22:50:01 (edited)
Just checked her archive, and here's the quotes from the part where you are in the battling page and after the battle:
"Now, back to the battle itself. I am very well trained and a high level, so your chances of winning against me are slim. In fact, I'll let you know now - there's no possible way you'll win!"

"Well, maybe you will one day, but definitely not today. However - I'll go easy on you for a while so you can practise the moves on me shortly. Each move costs energy, and damage you take in battles will last outside of the battle, so be sure to have a stock of healing items."

This makes me assume that yes, the game will still act as if you lost, but again, statistically, I don't think it's possible to beat her with your first lead, even if you were higher level. Stats play a part in battle moves, so unless you got extremely lucky on the dice rolls and went for a grab and crush/shear technique (so she's can't damage you), I don't think it's even possible. Or again, it's entirely likely they programed that fight to guarantee your loss (I could totally see something like that given they do it on LioDen a lot with stories; frequently it's something like you might even feel like you have a chance, only for the enemy to hit you with more damage than you could ever have health to guarantee you lose, or another technique they use so you're programed to only do 1 damage when you hit the enemy but the enemy hits normal.)


Posted 2024-01-27 22:54:12
the Tala tutorial battle is made to have you lose a battle to get a taste at battling in the WD world, Tala, with a whopping 50k health (if im remembering correctly), is obviously made so your lead cannot win a fight against her.

spoiler bc it can spoil some of the game
In later gameplay, at lvl 20, you have a rare chance at finding Tala in explore to battle, in which she will have 55(?) HP, making it possible to win.

kat | i am back

Posted 2024-01-27 23:01:10
So if you somehow level up before battling tutorial tala, get extremely lucky, you can "win"?

TrueStar (hepatitis)

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