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Lead Dies During Valentine's Day Event

Lead Dies During Valentine's Day Event
Posted 2024-02-02 08:16:21
So I'm not really sure what to do, my lead will be dying in 11 rollovers, but the dating part of the Valentine's event seems to be centered around the lead. So do I lose all my progress, or what will happen... I also can't really afford to retire my lead early, which I was considering doing, but 25GC is a bit steep for me. Does anyone know what happens when the lead dies during the event?

Posted 2024-02-02 10:11:49
Don't worry, you will not lose progress in the event. Your new lead will just pick right up where your old one left off.


Posted 2024-02-07 11:56:48
But you will loose your scouting progress, so you won't be able to send out matches into certain biomes or go on dates with wolves in those biomes.
My third Alpha just died yesterday, so it's a bit tricky to get affection fast since the right biome brings you +2. But I kinda handled it, and luckily, I have biomes for the most NPCs.


Posted 2024-02-07 12:01:37
I was worried about that. My next lead is a scout currently, so I'm trying to get her proficiency up at the very least but that's definitely a bummer.

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