[ADDED!] Multiple party hunting suggestion
Posted 2021-11-07 08:06:51 (edited)
Mostly, I guess I don't see the point in charging for the opportunity. The only thing it would be preserving is the food economy. Is there someone out there whose entire build relies on selling food? Would it wreck a significant portion of the economy? If the answer to that is yes, I'd say yes, alright, put a GC price on the number of hunts you're allowed to run that are likely to acquire food. Here's what I'd suggest as a possible compromise between the two POVs: currently, the absolute most you'll be able to handle - *IF* you're camping on the site all day - is 30 hunts total, give or take a couple. So, cap those at 30, and keep the underlying code as-is: acquiring food could still fail. If you need more, there can be the option to buy more slots - not explicitly tied to territory slots, as noted - but I still wouldn't charge more than like 5-10 GC per slot for something like that. The rest can be training exercises or whatever, something that lets a fourth or fifth hunting pack keep earning roughly the same amount of XP and stay relevant. Cap XP at the amount wolves would get from a successful medium hunt in the biome if balance is a concern, but I am here to tell you guys that really, truly, it is not a concern. The game itself has NOTABLE limits on the stats pups can possess, so it ultimately doesn't matter if you have a bunch of uberhunters or not. I mentioned softcaps before, and boy did my recent litter of pups bear that out. Here's one of them: This is the result of breeding a 443 strength mother (1261 stats total) to a 563 strength father (*1999* stats total). It's only a small step up from a litter that resulted from the breeding of a 400 strength mother to a 500 strength father (they were in the 180-190 range before training). I am positive these softcaps are present for every stat in the game, so no matter how ludicrous your wolves get by the end of their tenure, they unlikely to produce pups that are, say, naturally 250 strength, or something along those lines. If someone has a 500 + 500 breeding example or higher that managed it, I'd be curious to hear about it. In any event, the only reason I can see a reason for restriction is food acquisition, and as noted, there are ways around that that don't strictly limit how many wolves you can maintain and keep viable as hunters. |
DogBlud #24586 |
Posted 2021-11-07 08:55:51
Right now players have three hard limits when it comes to food: its expiry date, the 10 hunts each wolf can participate per day that as far as I know we have no way of replenishing, and then the half an hour it takes for the party to hunt and return. This single party at a time is more than enough when you only have up to 20 wolves, but from then on it's an uphill battle, if I recall correctly. And then, and this is the key, there's the fourth limit, the party synergy. If each party had its own cooldown period (like our scouts) or we were able to queue hunts (like our herbalists) players with bigger packs would get a breather, while nobody else could really abuse the improved hunting system with a random party built each day with newly befriended wolves because it takes time for wolves to build up said synergy. How long can a wolf last in our pack without being fed? Adult wolves loose 20% each rollover, so in theory a player could have an unfed party hunting for 5 rollovers before they bail. Perhaps a queue system would be abused more easily as it ensures whatever hunts it'd allow would happen, regardless if you are around or not to collect the prey, but I really can't see any way to abuse it if each hunt party had its own cooldown period. Since the luxury feature Feed All, Play All uses the items that are in your account, there is no way for players with larger packs to feed their own that is not purchasing it from other players, and whatever they may do, a day will still be 24 hours. This means that, even doing an inhuman effort to devote every half an hour on the dot to hunt, they'd still only be able to send out 48 parties. How many of those parties will fail? How many of those will have what size prey, if they're succesfull? I'm not saying feeding a bigger pack should be easy, what I mean to point out here is the paradox between the possibility of having x territory but being virtually impossible to maintain on your own because the game, as it is today, does not allow it, not even by using the site's premium currency. |
Berenos #2759 |
Posted 2021-11-07 09:03:08 (edited)
For reference: my ability to hit Large prey in Taiga dropped from 50% to 20%, and pack synergy took something like a 40pt hit with the replacements. Add in proficiency and, honestly, I would be legitimately *impressed* by someone figuring out how to exploit the system just by dint of having that kind of time and patience. |
DogBlud #24586 |
Posted 2021-11-07 09:13:11 (edited)
Two leaderboard wolves were bred at 653 and 530 strength, their pups were as follows: At time of breeding, full stats: Father: 530-351-445-298-284=1908 Mother: 653-253-383-294-320=1903 Pup 1: 218-142-170-142-139=811 Pup 2: 224-136-166-139-137=802 Pup 3: 224-140-165-142-140=811 Pup 4: 223-143-172-135-141=814 (largest) Pup 5: 210-131-167-132-137=777 (runt) Pup 6: 217-136-174-142-142=811 The linear formula for pup stat inheritance is usually the sum of the parent's stat * 20% + [a random number from 21 to 31] (I got the formula thanks to this thread, unfortunately it hasn't been updated in a while). We know now the stat inheritance plateaus and tops out the higher you go, because if it was linear the pairing above should have, at minimum (adding 21 and rounding down): 257-141-186-139-141 So you can see the formula predicts much higher for strength where the parent's combined stats are well over 1,000, but it's still within the range (albeit barely) for wisdom, where they are "only" 600. Don't know how much that helps but I haven't gotten to writing this down yet but I really wanted to at some point so now seems as good a time as any I guess |
Zea #27549 |
Posted 2021-11-07 09:47:54
DogBlud #24586 |
Posted 2021-11-13 04:50:37
Nagapie #41325 |
Posted 2021-11-17 09:26:09
red #1252 |
Posted 2021-11-30 20:06:29
It personally feels ridiculous that my lead exploring (in one bar of energy) can bring in the same amount of food that a whole day's worth of hunting parties sent out brings. Honestly feels like I only hunt for the experience and not the food, which I'm sure was NOT the point of hunting parties being added Having multiple parties would at least make it feel like a worthwhile endeavor, and it would get rid of all the useless wolves I have sitting around, because I don't have enough time in the day to play out every hunt for one party |
cr0wfeathers #14965 |
Posted 2021-12-07 22:08:11
I have almost 60 wolves in my pack, and I have 5 hunting parties. The majority of my wolves are all pupsitters as I can't sit online all day sending a party out every thirty minutes. (Props to the ppl who do that's dedication) It makes no sense to be able to have multiple parties if you can't send out at least two at a time, imo. Or at least make hunting parties larger, so maybe instead of 5 wolves per party, make it 10 wolves and maybe be able to have a chance to catch two prey instead of just one. |
The Magpie Kin #419 |
Posted 2021-12-11 13:09:59
red #1252 |