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Markings/Customizer Dropdown Suggestion

Posted 2020-11-06 03:20:38

As someone who plays a lot around in wardrobe, I like it that I can easily search for one specific marking of get any overview of all shapes in one colour/one shap in all colours. I would get frustrated if I needed to do double the work. @red your suggestion is how it works.

I do think we need an overview of all markings sorted by colours, shapes and tiers for easier visibility but I would want that in a wiki or a guide. I think you get an idea of what markings exist in the game after a while.

Sienna Snow

Posted 2020-11-06 08:38:07

But.... that doesn’t fix the problem of scrolling through a massive list looking for one marking in one color. I don’t want to look at a wiki to find the markings I want or need and toggle back and forth between a wiki tab and the wardrobe, I want to be able to select a marking and see the available colors it comes in (or the other way around) while in the wardrobe. It’s not double the work, it’s streamlining the process which makes it easier. Clicking twice is easier than slowly scrolling and reading, or quickly scrolling and missing the marking you’re looking for so you have to scroll back up or down.

As more markings and colors are added the problem will only get worse, and yes Lioden has them separated by mane markings and body markings, but there are still too many colors and markings for one menu! I can’t play around in wardrobe on LD because the list is just so massive and the UI is.... not friendly. 


Posted 2020-11-06 08:46:43

You can see the available colours of one marking in wardrobe. If you type in "smudge" it will list all the colour options available alphabetically.

Sienna Snow

Posted 2020-11-06 08:55:13

It’s great that you can type it in, but it’s not exactly clear that you can do so unless you’re told, and typing is still not as friendly or accessible as a drop down menu. Mobile users are prone to typos, does the system still work with typos?? What about people who find it hard to type for any reason? Why cling so hard to bad UI design when a lot of people would benefit from a change?

A little extra coding would go a long way in streamlining the process for a lot of people.


Posted 2020-11-07 21:47:20

I was just about to suggest this feature myself if I didn't find a board for it. I have issues focusing and need things organized, so looking at a huge list of markings listed by color makes my brain start shrieking in fear and shut down. Playing on mobile half the time makes using the customizer straight up impossible for me. If I had an organized list a la seeing all the markings sorted by color or being able to choose a marking and then seeing a list of colors it would make using the customize feature easier.

I want to redo my lead wolf in the worst way - I tried creating her myself but due to the huge list I became overwhelmed and just went with a quick and lazy design - but trying to navigate and design a new wolf in that mess of a list is proving impossible to focus on. If I was able to customize my wolf, that's GC I'd be buying from the site but because I can't easily look at markings and colors I'm not bothering. I'm sure that I'm not the only one frustrated by the lack of ease in customizing and there fore not buying GC to spend on it. 

Small beans, I know, but making the customize feature more attractive and easy to use for more users (especially mobile users!) would certainly at least help the amount of GC sales besides giving the players at large an easier job using the site's tools. 


Posted 2020-11-07 23:44:02

I'm in support of anything that makes that UI more user friendly.


Posted 2020-11-08 09:25:21 (edited)

@Nimme, that's exactly what I did! It's too overwhelming for me to try and compare all the markings and colors or even look at the drop-down, so I just did something simple. I've been wanting to make a fully custom breeding male, and eventually customize my lead when there are more markings for what I want, but as is it's too difficult for me to go through the options, especially as a mobile user, so I just haven't bothered.


Posted 2020-11-08 18:03:56

I support this change!


Posted 2020-11-09 12:36:16

Support!! It's such a pain to scroll through everything. The droplist doesn't remember the search too so I have to re-search "Black" every single time.


Posted 2020-11-09 12:57:36

I also support this idea. Having two drop downs (one for marking and one for color) would make things so much more easier.


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