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Secure Wolf

Posted 2020-11-06 12:25:44

Support, I have huge anxiety of accidentally chasing my wolves, especially some of the special ones.

Tbh, would also support the idea of securing whole dens.  I have a sales specific den, and it'd be kinda nice to just, lock out all my other dens from sales/chasing.  Given that we can mass move wolves from den to den, it'd be easy enough to just yeet the wolves I don't want to keep in the sales den first before doing anything with them.


Posted 2020-11-07 20:17:15 (edited)

Support! It would make it easier to sell wolves since I would not have to scroll through every wolf to find the wolf I am going to sell and I would also not be at risk of accidentally selling or chasing the wrong wolf. There is no downside to this feature! :D

🌿 Fern 🌿

Posted 2020-11-15 00:43:48

Agreed! I'm often on mobile, and I'm always worried I'll accidentally hit that chase button when I'm editing or looking through things.


Posted 2020-11-16 15:34:36

Definitely support. I get nervous every time I chase anything and triple-check, but it would make me feel better if I could secure my keepers.

Hunter [HM]

Posted 2020-11-17 13:30:49

I support!! I think this would be a small but good change overall, just an extra bit of security to make sure you don't sell or chase your favorite wolves on accident! ^_^


Posted 2020-11-24 17:02:45

Fully support this! It's a nice security option!

LollipopMischief 🍭

Posted 2020-11-24 19:32:14

Support for all the reasons others have already stated!


Posted 2020-12-17 10:39:55
I support this! I'm afraid I may do a misclick and chase/trade the wrong wolf.


Posted 2020-12-28 13:51:33

After accidentally chasing one of my best hunters, a favorite wolf, and her litter I was very fond of this morning... this needs to become a feature. Whole heartedly support. 


Posted 2020-12-28 13:54:33

Support, I never trust myself setting up trades
