Allow All Males to Breed within the Pack
Posted 2020-11-03 10:27:28
HARD agree on this one. I have so many male wolves that I adore with all my heart and I'm heartbroken that they'll eventually die without passing on their markings and base. Please make it so at least the male wolves can breed with female wolves in your own pack. |
![]() Inoracam #17352 |
Posted 2020-11-03 10:32:52
I have a suggestion.....maybe this benefit could be seasonal? In the wild male wolves will try to start new packs with female loners or even females from packs, it could be sorta like that? Maybe a week long/ month long event? Obviously in the wild a male messing with another wolf's female is asking to get killed or injured so that could be the drawback, so other males in the pack may mate with females in the same pack but risk an automatic injury/death /chase from the male wolf. A 50/50 chance would allow the possibility of new blood pups but prevent a ruined market Any tweaks/ disagreement? |
![]() Serpent #24332 |
Posted 2020-11-03 10:33:02
@Derpy not everyone wants a pack made entirely of females. Some do like having males too, you know... |
Shey #17169 |
Posted 2020-11-03 10:35:58
@serpent it's an interesting idea, and i wouldn't be surprised if they have an event in the future that allows us to stud to outside npc males in a similar way, but it sounds like too much new coding and too much difficulty for the players for a feature that doesn't really need to be that complicated, y'know? like, it really wouldn't do any harm to anyone to enable males to breed as long as they have female cool downs and can only breed within the pack |
![]() Sneep #20313 |
Posted 2020-11-03 10:36:34
Allowing males to breed within a pack (personally I like the 20 day cool down best) would really help differentiate Wolvden from Lioden. Also it will encourage users to have a more even male/female ratio in their pack (assuming that’s how they want to play), which means less females, which means less puppies. To further differentiate studs and preserve their value, non-studs could have smaller litters, I like that suggestion. Honestly I just want that little bit of extra freedom to play the game the way I want, both in terms of lore and casual breeding projects. I’m not a mass breeder (2-3 litters per in game year is about my limit), I just want to run multiple family lines and maybe combine them down the road. |
![]() Badger #10939 |
Posted 2020-11-03 10:37:21
I don't like the idea that keeping the ability for a male to breed behind an item you have to pay irl cash for. Sure it's preferable to having to sex change or retire a stud early, but it's far from ideal in any respect. You guys have to think about the players who can't put money into the game. Also allowing males to breed will not: A. Cause more mass breeding. Males do not have puppies, females do, and those females will be bred if it's to a stud or not. If people are incentivesed to keep more males then: more males = less females = fewer litters & more genetic diversity. Right now females can do everything a male can and breed on top of that, so people are more likely to keep females. So more females = more litters saturating the market with much less diversity in sires. B. Ruin the stud market. High stats and pretty wolves will ALWAYS be desirable, whether they're the only breeder allowed or not. |
![]() Treeling #9422 |
Posted 2020-11-03 10:38:58
@Sneep're right that would be alot of coding a male breeding cooldown sounds alot better fr like maybe twice the female cooldown? |
![]() Serpent #24332 |
Posted 2020-11-03 10:40:52
@Serpent- Males already have a hidden breeding cycles that are the same as females. It would be easier (and fairer) to keep the cooldowns for both sexes the same |
![]() VagueShapes #828 |
Posted 2020-11-03 10:41:09
I totally agree with this idea. Limiting breeding males is very frustrating and opening breeding to any male would be very beneficial for so many reasons that have all ready been stated, such as less puppies and more genetic diversity. |
![]() Aravel #1000 |
Posted 2020-11-03 10:41:24
I mostly agree with this, though I did see some other posts about having a cooldown with these new breeders. Males wouldn't have a heat cycle obviously, but would need a cooldown period to breed again to prevent essentially making a new, separate stud with the same rules. Other than that, it all sounds good! Crossing my fingers we get an addition related to this <3 |
![]() Mech (Semi-Hiatus) #2828 |