Allow All Males to Breed within the Pack
Posted 2020-11-03 10:48:08
Just posting to say after reading the comments, my mind is kinda changing on this. I still most prefer the idea of being able to set up breeding pairs, but the idea of having the same breeding cooldowns is good as well because like someone else mentioned earlier, you can sync up pairs |
![]() Kira #321 |
Posted 2020-11-03 10:50:36
I agree that any male should be breedable. It can work well in a game. It did on wolfplay and still does. It is for this reason I like wolfplay more even though I don’t play it as much. |
Defender #9886 |
Posted 2020-11-03 10:51:24
@serpent absolutely haha! honestly it's kind of shocking how much calmer and open-minded the players are on this site compared to the lioden suggestion forms. not saying that to be mean to lioden at all, more just to say that its so cool to see everyone discussing their viewpoints in such a calm and friendly way even though there are people disagreeing! so much love to everyone on this thread :D |
![]() Sneep #20313 |
Posted 2020-11-03 10:51:53
i give this my FULL support, i already have lore pairs in my pack that i mourn not being able to breed to eachother, and have passed up beautiful males far too many times. |
Almonds #12914 |
Posted 2020-11-03 10:57:15 (edited)
im not a fan of how useless males are already :( im on near constantly and i still am going to have my whole pack be female. the gains far outweigh anything male wolves can currently offer. i think its worth noting the sex changer item was so far upgraded from lioden though lol overall ill say partial support. a little apprehensive of the marking/combo market being affected as a BO breeder |
![]() woete (HiatusUntilMuties) #1076 |
Posted 2020-11-03 10:59:16
I have to support this. I thought the idea of one breeding male was interesting but it kind of takes the value of having other male wolves at all (I understand they can take on other goals, but it sucks they can't pass on genes or much else). I don't want to feel disappointed about male pups. And then when you select a breeding male you have to wait months until you can swap them out...I'd say at least give the option to alternate breeding males every few weeks or so maybe. I think with how difficult it is to expand dens or even afford care items, there is already a natural cap on breeding. |
![]() Moon Loon #19484 |
Posted 2020-11-03 11:10:05
When I found out about Wolvden I was really excited because while I liked the concept of Lioden the restrictions were awful. I'm so sad to see that same restriction brought over here for no real reason? Like, if you're going for realism it doesn't work with a traditional Wolf Pack being a breeding pair and their pups. What's the point of a breeding/sim game if it's so limited? Really dampened my excitement for the game and my desire to support it. |
RaeRae #12344 |
Posted 2020-11-03 11:16:12 (edited)
Personally I don't support this suggestion. If I could breed with every male, the game wouldn't be challenging anymore. Are there multiple males I love and would like to breed with? Yes! But I like that I can't, that it involves planning and makes the breeding male I do keep more special. Plus, it's not in the nature of wolves to just allow other males to breed with their females. I am also working towards having a male only hunting and scouting team, because they have the advantage of not having slowed energy regeneration during pregnancy and that they don't become useless due to nesting. So male wolves do have a purpose, while having too many females just means you can mass-produce puppies which is a big problem at the moment in the first place. |
![]() Vampirette #638 |
Posted 2020-11-03 11:18:42
Massive support from me! I hate seeing how useless males are and have spent so much GC on sex changing some of my pups to be females because... there’s just no point in having males right now. They can’t pass on their genes, stats, etc. They’re either defaulted to pupsitters, sex changed, chased/ignored, or they just.... sit there gathering dust like a handsome paperweight. Why bother making a male a hunter or a scout if he can’t pass down the stats gained from it? If Devs are dead set on not allowing all males to breed then there needs to be an alternative activity or use for them, though that’s likely a discussion for a different topic. |
![]() FriedKilamari #9718 |
Posted 2020-11-03 11:19:49
Support! I don't even want to set a breeding male because of the weird finality attached to it. Let the boys not be useless! |
bunnikens #14187 |