Allow All Males to Breed within the Pack
Posted 2020-12-08 19:51:36
The limiting factor of pups saturating the market is that more males in a pack = less females in heat = less litters. No breeding limit needed. |
![]() Chaosprincess #16877 |
Posted 2020-12-08 20:29:03 (edited)
And pups are already saturating the market anyway. So many people breed a female every heat regardless, there are still tons of unwanted puppies. (myself included, though I've been chasing useless pups instead of trying to sell them.) It might actually mean fewer overall puppies born since people might be more inclined to keep males instead of having dens full of females. On an aside, I like the new "in current pack for ____ rollovers" feature. |
Owlbear #6449 |
Posted 2020-12-08 21:32:40
Supporting this, for both gameplay and realism purposes. |
![]() Sparky Lurkdragon #31123 |
Posted 2020-12-08 21:36:56
Thought maybe I'd get used to this over time and no longer feel like 1-male-only is a bad idea, but nope, here we are. How on earth are you supposed to do any sort of marking-based breeding project when you only reasonably have control over one half of the process? Unless you want to keep changing your stud, or you're just trying to inbreed back to him to get pups closer to him in appearance (?? in which case it's not even really a breeding project?) This game would be absolute top tier if I could actually breed for specific visual goals without it feeling like there's a completely arbitrary handicap. As of right now all I really care to do is aim for stats and customize my pups to be nice looking, and I don't know for how long that can stay entertaining, honestly. It's not like I wouldn't be using an equivalent amount of GC items to finish up project wolves (who's gonna put all that effort into breeding for specifically, idk, slot 6 black butcher? :p) |
![]() unsknown #21142 |
Posted 2020-12-10 03:33:16
I support this! A lot of the problems said I feel have been addressed; and like @Owlbear said, to limit bypassing the stud system, make it so non-stud males can't breed with a female in the pack if they've been there for less than a certain amount of rollovers. In fact, you could go as far as to lock down a solid number to 4 rollovers as heats will only last for that long, on top of a breeding cooldown. I could see where the issue of planning ahead for studdings can come in, so make it against the rules to advertise non-stud males as studdable (Devs have shown that they're willing to intervene like this with the Mutation Carrier vs. Potential Mutation Carrier update). |
![]() Starfrost740 #6642 |
Posted 2020-12-10 12:40:58
love this idea! to balance the non-stud males i suggest the following (a lot of this has probably already been said): |
Frostclaw140 #12433 |
Posted 2020-12-10 13:09:00
I find issue with the 1-3 limit since this was brought up by a few already. This would be fine IF the limit is per account and would reset for when they're sold other wise they'd become worthless again after up to 3 uses and people will just get rid of them as before. though the limit reset when a wolf is traded or sold may be hard to code so. a better way may be an option. We of course don't want any abuse of this feature and bypassing what shouldn't be. Maybe, Have the males in your pack only work for your account and i like the idea someone brought up on the 'they cannot breed if they recently joined after so much days' it of course has to be long enough to ignore any females in heat this round. and i love a fair breed cooldown. I'd be fine with it matching a female's despite them not really needing it so he can't breed quickly after. Of course, even with a slightly shorter cooldown, it'd be fine i guess...maybe we need a test run to see how it works like the staff could have it tested and adjust as needed? |
![]() Fea #12206 |
Posted 2020-12-10 13:38:21
I would very much like more incentive to keep and get attached to males. Also has there been any thoughts from mods on this? |
![]() viverrinae #17467 |
Posted 2020-12-12 13:58:56
Supporting this, I would enjoy being able to breed other males I have. |
Mushroom (They) #19445 |
Posted 2020-12-12 14:06:39
Honestly in the beginning I wasn't sure how I felt about this suggestion, but the more I think about it the more I support. I would also want to have my heir be a direct descendant of my two lead wolves (lead and breeder male) but I would like to have a couple litters born to her first from her future mate (future breeder male) without my current leads being dead. I think a breeding cooldown for males would make a lot of sense! Make it the same as a female's cooldown and it will help curb the rising amount of unwanted pups in game. Whenever I have male pups born they either take forever to sell, or don't sell at all and wind up chased. In short, I support! |
![]() Glass #281 |