Allow All Males to Breed within the Pack
Posted 2020-12-16 17:26:13
I was under the impression a female's cooldown was closer to 28-29 days? Four days of pregnancy, four/five days of nursing, and twenty days of cooldown. Is the nursing part of the normal cooldown? I can not argue on the use of IBFs having an effect, as it's personal choice if someone wants to spend the 5GC to have their pups now and a change in cooldown would be a consequence they accept by using the feather. (Coming from someone planning on using IBFs if necessary on my hunting team later, as I want them to all have their pups the same day.) But, if even by not using the feather, there is a 6 day difference in cooldown, that is a wee bit of a gap when heat cycles are only four rollovers. |
![]() Volinolona #13549 |
Posted 2020-12-16 17:30:47 (edited)
![]() clemace #1218 |
Posted 2020-12-16 17:37:09
The stud market argument definitely is starting to sound like a broken record to me, as well. It is so weird to me that so many suggestions or discussions can argue for 'various playstyles' but it is always the concern over the stud market that appears to be a contention point. Not every player or playstyle wants to use the market nor should they have to - there are many other ways that I feel could be implemented to help the market and keep it profitable, but severe limitations on all players on the whole is definitely not the answer in my opinion. My issue with the features are that it feels so imbalanced compared to other parts of the game regarding your wolves. You can have up to 200 wolves. The amount of pups you can have is upwards of like, 5x or so the total adults. But with this current system a player with 200 wolves can only breed 2% within their pack outside of their breeding male or studs. That does not feel right to me at all. It feels like something that should be scaled with territory size because of this, but it does not. I do not mind a limitation of some sort but raising the limitation, nor would I mind cooldowns, present at they are or tweaked, but please, for the love of god, at least give me the OPTION to work for more privileges with a feature I would love to use. Don't just tease me with something potentially perfect - give it potential expansions I have to work for so that I can have something to look forward to and then bask in the reward when I do. |
![]() otterbells #4284 |
Posted 2020-12-16 17:43:06
I have a female nursing pups and 19 days left on her cooldown, so yep, cooldown starts once the pups are born, not once they’re weaned. |
![]() Badger #10939 |
Posted 2020-12-16 17:46:42
O really? In that case I was wrong. My bad! |
![]() clemace #1218 |
Posted 2020-12-16 18:09:38
As far as the stud market argument goes, I think the stud market needs an overhaul anyway. All the studs are incredibly expensive, to the point where I've only ever bred a single female to a stud, and then over half her litter died (which can fully be blamed on my pup addiction). Also, I'm honestly planning to just make a pair once I have a female off cooldown, breed the pair, and then break them up once she's pregnant and hope I time her next heat right, which defeats the whole pair bonding situation anyway. It's just full pack breeding with extra (ridiculous) steps. |
![]() Wrenly [he/xe] #9559 |
Posted 2020-12-16 18:18:09
Disbanding bond pairs puts both wolves involved into 30 day cooldowns, so you're kind of guaranteed to miss the heat the female will have after the breeding cooldown ends. Probably why they have it so long, to avoid that kind of loophole abuse. |
![]() otterbells #4284 |
Posted 2020-12-16 18:19:48
I know, but my breeding male is a potato so I don't really have all that many options |
![]() Wrenly [he/xe] #9559 |
Posted 2020-12-16 20:36:19 (edited)
Huh, I was honestly expecting to come back to this thread and be bashed the crap out of for mentioning the fixation on protecting the stud market and why it seems strange. So many players act like they're willing to die to protect it, after all. But instead I came back to a bunch of players agreeing with me, and also being fed up with the constant 'but the stud market thougghhhh' argument. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks studding isn't the end-all be-all of the game. Allowing new features that may alter or hinder the studding market doesn't mean the site is going to suddenly explode. We should all be able to have our own playstyles, not be shoved into a niche that has barely any options to get out of. 'Why is the stud market so important it has to be protected at the expense of every other feature? Especially when it benefits the owners of high-value studs to the detriment of everyone else.' 'It is clear that it is only a restriction to protect the stud market, which is honestly already difficult to make income from, especially if you don't have the cash to invest in trends and time to advertise relentlessly.' 'Your want to make money off your stud is not more important than my want to not pay 200SC+ per breeding to gamble against a machine with everything stacked against me.' 'It is so weird to me that so many suggestions or discussions can argue for 'various playstyles' but it is always the concern over the stud market that appears to be a contention point.' EXACTLY to all these points, you all said what I wasn't able to put into words earlier. Say it louder for those in the back! |
![]() Whirligig (Hiatus) #11137 |
Posted 2020-12-16 21:21:16
Yeah, agreed. The whole "*~but the stud market!!~*" thing doesn't fly with me. I'm with Badger, why must so many other aspects of the game suffer to try and force value on something where 90% of the studs are only worth the bare minimum we are "allowed" to charge or less anyway? Will there still be stats, breed only markings and bases, inheritable mutations, applicator and NBW-only genes, a desire for diversity, and fair restrictions (the male cooldown and pairing mechanics) on in-pack breeding? I know personally I want this so I can breed my pairs with each other before they die, one or two litters. |
Owlbear #6449 |